Staines Reservoirs and Staines Moor-Surrey.
Wraysbury Ponds.

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The area covered is highlighted on this map-

Wraysbury & Staines Map

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This page will contain information on Birds seen at Staines and Wraysbury on recent visits.

How to get to Staines Reservoirs.

Leave the M25 at Jn 14, A3113 to Heathrow, Turn Right at next Roundabout, A3044 to Staines,
then Left at next lights, Right at mini Roundabout (Stanwell)
About 500m along this road (Town Lane) on the Right is the car-park for the Reservoirs.

A Footpath leads up the embankment and crosses between the two reservoirs joining the A3044 at the far end.

There is no public access to the rest of the site you must view birds from the path.
The far side of each lake is rather distant and needs a good telescope to search it properly.
Both reservoirs are usually pretty full, but one or other is sometimes drained for maintenance giving shallow pools and mud flats-
a paradise for Waders!

Ducks, Grebes, Cormorants, Gulls (Little Gulls are regular), Common Terns, and migrant birds are all attracted to these lakes

Regular "rarities" include Black Necked Grebe, Slavonian Grebe, Great Northern Diver, Black Tern, Black Redstart, Peregrine.

There are rafts on the North Basin for Common Terns, the sloping concrete banks also provide roosting space for more birds

How to get to Staines Moor

Leave the M25 at Jn 14 as before but take the small local road to Stanwell Moor (next exit after A3113)
Follow lane and take right turn at bend by Pub, into "Hithermoor Road".
When the banks of "King George VI" reservoir are seen, park and follow FP south to Moor.

After 200m or so, take the FP on the right -past fields with ponds to the open moor, (this can get very wet or even flooded in winter).
One path follows the R. Colne, but there are many others all over the moor. Grazing has been introduced-cattle and horses.
At the southern end you reach the A30 bridge, another access point,
Use the layby near bridge, where you can join FPs onto the Moor.
(In winter, a telescope scan of the Moor from this bridge is worthwhile, and keeps your feet dry!)

Birds to look for.

Waders (Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Ruff, Snipe etc.), Shelduck, Garganey
Rarer birds often turn up here on migration - In 2002 a Great White Egret dropped in!

Little Owl and Spotted Flycatcher are seen occasionally,
Skylark, Redshank and Lapwing breed here in small numbers- also Meadow Pipit, Linnet and Reed Bunting.

Little Egret & Dartford Warbler can now be seen (recent arrivals) - and Ring-Necked Parakeets fly noisily overhead.
Stock Dove, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk are usual.

In Summer: look for Warblers, Hirundines & Hobbies.
Dragonflies and Damselflies abound, whilst Muntjac deer cross the paths and Kingfishers flash by.
Check around cattle for Yellow Wagtail in late Summer/Autumn.

In Winter: Stonechat and Short Eared Owls can be found. Duck numbers reach a peak. NB. flooding can be a problem for visitors.


A lovely village near the M25 Jn 13. It has more water than land!
The Village green has a pub, there are a few shops and an old Windmill stands in front of the Church Tower.

Famous in winter for Smew, Goosander, Goldeneye and other wildfowl.

To the North of the Village at Horton Moor, are other flooded gravel pits attracting waders and grebes.

In 1999 a Red Footed Falcon joined the many Hobbies here.

Latest Reports 2006

Feb 21st.
Staines Moor.
Little Egret (1), Stonechat (1f), Linnet (3), Fieldfare (30+), Redwing (3+),
Ring Necked Parakeet (40+), Skylark (3)
Smew (1f), Red Crested Pochard (1m), Kingfisher (1m), Goldeneye (6f), Redpoll (1), Fieldfare (c10)
Staines Reservoirs
Black Necked Grebe (3), Ruddy Duck (50+), Redshank (2), Goldeneye (1m,2f)

Reports from 2003

NOVEMBER 30th. Sunny Intervals.
Water Pipit 1, Pied Wagtail (6+), Sparrowhawk (1), Fieldfare (30+), Redwing (3+),
Wigeon (c100), Teal (c30), Ring Necked Parakeet (10+), Canada Geese (c200)

-Staines Moor. Some flooded areas.

Green Sandpiper (2), Redshank (7), Shelduck (2), Ruddy Duck (c600!!), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (5),
Also; Shoveler, Gadwall, Pochard, Wigeon, Teal, Black Headed, Common, Greater & Lesser Black-Backed Gulls

Yesterday;- Avocet (6) and Black Necked Grebe (1), Slavonian Grebe (1) today on next resr.(Permit only)
-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin low, S. Basin Half Full - Waders moving in.

Mandarin (1M), Goldeneye (3m, 6+f), Wigeon (100+), Cormorant (4), Little Grebe (5), Long-tailed Tit (10+),
Also; Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Great-crested Grebe, Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Reported;- Smew (1)
-Hythe Lagoon etc, Wraysbury

NOVEMBER 8th. Cloudy, cold E Wind.
Sparrowhawk (1), Fieldfare (50+), Redwing (10+), Skylark (6+), Meadow Pipit (12+),
Great Spotted Woodpecker (2), Green Woodpecker (2), Ring Necked Parakeet (5+), Kingfisher (1m),

-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Pools starting to re-appear.

Ruddy Duck (c250), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (5),
Also; Shoveler, Pochard, Wigeon, Teal, Black Headed Gull, Lesser Black-Backed Gull

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full, S. Basin Full.

OCTOBER 5th. Cold but Fine & Sunny.
Snipe (3), Teal (c10), Goldcrest (3+), Skylark (6+), Meadow Pipit (c20),
Yellow Wagtail (1 over?), Green Woodpecker (2), Ring Necked Parakeet (3+), Kingfisher (1f),

-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Very Dry.

Black Swan (1), Wigeon (100+), Cormorant (4), Little Grebe (1+1juv), Chiffchaff (c20), Long-tailed Tit (10+),
Also; Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Great-crested Grebe.

-Hythe Lagoon, Wraysbury

SEPTEMBER 28th. Cloudy to Sunny Intervals.
Snipe (1), Green Sandpiper (1), Redshank (1), Teal (c20), Swallow (3), Meadow Pipit (20+), Skylark (3),
Yellow Wagtail (10+), Green Woodpecker (2), Ring Necked Parakeet (2), Kingfisher (1f),

-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Very Dry.

Black-necked Grebe (1 N. Basin), Cormorant (c300), Ruddy Duck (c150), Tufted Duck (50+),
Pied Wagtail (10+), Black Headed Gull (c30), Swallow (6+)
Meadow Pipit (10+), Lapwing (c100), Linnet (20+). Also; Gadwall, Shoveler, Pochard, Wigeon, Teal.

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full, S. Basin Full.

SEPTEMBER 21st. Sunny Intervals warm.
Snipe (3), Swallow (3), Meadow Pipit (6+), Skylark (2), Reed Bunting (3F),
Wheatear (1F), Yellow Wagtail (4+), Green Woodpecker (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (8+), Kingfisher (1m),

Reported;- Pectoral Sandpiper.
-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Very Dry.

Cormorant (c900), Ruddy Duck (c90), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (10+), Black Headed Gull (c30)
Meadow Pipit (10+), Lapwing (c100), Linnet (100+), Goldfinch (6).

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full-now filling.

SEPTEMBER 6th. Light rain with Sunny Intervals later.
Garganey (1f), Green Sandpiper (2), Little Egret (2), Goldfinch (c50), Snipe (2), Swallow (10+)
Yellow Wagtail (1+), Green Woodpecker (2), Ring Necked Parakeet (5+), Kingfisher (1m), Little Grebe (1)

-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Drying out.

Cormorant (c950 wow!!), Ruddy Duck (c50), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (15+), Common Tern (c10),
Common Sandpiper (1), Lapwing (c50), Linnet (5+), Black Headed Gull (c100).

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full-now filling.

AUGUST 30th. Fine Sunny. Still some Swallows and House Martins about.
Winchat (1m&1f), Wheatear (1f), Little Egret (1), Skylark (1+ heard), Goldfinch (c150), Sparrowhawk (1), Snipe (2),
Yellow Wagtail (5+), Whitethroat (1 juv), Reed Bunting (3 f), Green Woodpecker (2), Lapwing (10), Ring Necked Parakeet (6+),

poss. Black Tern (1 over going W.)
-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Drying out.

Black Necked Grebe (1), Shelduck (8), Ruddy Duck (4), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (10+), Common Tern (c20), Black Headed Gull (c50)
Common Sandpiper (3), Lapwing (90), Cormorant (154), Linnet (15+), Great Crested Grebe (c30)

Purple Sandpiper reported yesterday.
-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full-now filling.

AUGUST 23rd. Fine Sunny Warm.
GARGANEY (1F-or ecl. M), Green Sandpiper (2), Skylark (1 heard), Swallow (10+), Sand Martin (1), House Martin (c20),
Yellow Wagtail (6+), Green Woodpecker (3), Lapwing (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (6+), Cormorant (100+ over).

-Stanwell/Staines Moor. Drying out.

Ruddy Duck (7 mainly M), Tufted Duck (50+), Pied Wagtail (12+), Common Tern (c10), Black Headed Gull (c150)
Lapwing (13), Cormorant (1), Linnet (15+), Great Crested Grebe (c40)

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin half full.

JULY 20th. Fine Sunny Warm.
LITTLE EGRET (1), Green Sandpiper (3), Skylark (1), Swallow (1), Kingfisher (1),
Green Woodpecker (2), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Lapwing (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (1 heard), Reed Warbler (1),

-Stanwell Moor. FP to Staines Moor now rather wet!

Great Crested Grebe (4a, 3 juv), Lapwing (9), Coot (20+), Linnet (10+)
-Horton Moor.

Tufted Duck (500+), Pied Wagtail (3a, 6juv-2groups), Common Tern (c30), Black Headed Gull (c50)
Lapwing (23), Cormorant (1), Starling (10+), Great Crested Grebe (c40)

-Staines Reservoir.-Both sides now very full.

JULY 5th. Fine Sunny start.
Lesser Whitethroat (3 juv), Whitethroat (2 juv), Skylark (1), Swallow (1), House Martin (30+), Little Ringed Plover (1), Little Grebe (1),
Green Woodpecker (4 inc Juv), Great Spotted Woodpecker (5 inc Juv), Lapwing (3), Ring Necked Parakeet (2), Reed Warbler (1 juv),

-Stanwell Moor. FP to Staines Moor now rather wet!

Herring Gull (1), Black-headed Gull (c50), Heron (1), Tufted Duck (100+), Gadwall (3), Common Tern (c50)
Lapwing (c20), Cormorant (3), Starling (10+), Great Crested Grebe (c20)

-Staines Reservoir.-Both sides now full.

JUNE 14th. Cloudy to Fine Sunny.
Curlew (5), Shoveler (4), Teal (3), Shelduck (1), Skylark (c6), Whitethroat (2), 2 Meadow Pipit, House Martin (20+),
Redshank (1), Lapwing (3), Ring Necked Parakeet (1), Reed Warbler (1 heard), Reed Bunting (2M).

-Staines & Stanwell Moor.

Pochard (8M,1F), Tufted Duck (c30), Redshank (3), Little Ringed Plover (2),
Greylag Geese (2 over), Common Tern (c6), Sedge Warbler (1), Whitethroat (4+)

-Horton Moor.

Oystercatcher (1), Shelduck (2), Swift (1), Common Tern (20+), Black-headed Gull (c30),
Lapwing (3), Lesser Black-backed Gull (2), Herring Gull (5), Cormorant (3), Starling (10+).

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin about 2 thirds full.

JUNE 1st. Cloudy to Fine Sunny.
House Martin (10+), Linnet (heard), Reed Bunting (4+)
Shelduck (2), Skylark (c10), Whitethroat (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (4), Reed Warbler (2),
Ringed Plover (2), Little Ringed Plover (2), Redshank (4), Lapwing (c10, 1 juv).

-Staines & Stanwell Moor.

Swift (4), Common Tern (40+), Black-headed Gull (c50), Heron (3)
Lapwing (26), Lesser Black-backed Gull (2), Herring Gull (3), Cormorant (3), Starling (10+).

REPORTED this week;- Little Gull
-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin about half full.

MAY 3rd. Fine Sunny.
Winchat (M&F), Swift (20+), House Martin (20+), Swallow (4), Sand Martin (2), Linnet (1), Meadow Pipit (3),
Snipe (1), Shelduck (2), Skylark (5+), Whitethroat (4+), Ring Necked Parakeet (2), Sedge Warbler (2),
Ringed Plover (1), Greenshank (1), Redshank (4), Lapwing (3), Teal (2), Little Grebe (1), Ruddy Duck (1F).

-Staines & Stanwell Moor.

Wheatear (1M), Sedge Warbler (2+), Whitethroat (4+)
-Horton Moor.-(No Hobbies yet)

Swift (100's!), Common Tern (60+), Ruddy Duck (4m), Black-headed Gull (55+)
Redshank (2), Lapwing (3), Shelduck (2 over), Cormorant (4), Starling (40+).

REPORTED this week;- Red-rumped Swallow
-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin level is dropping, about half full. A few waders.

APRIL 12th. Fine Sunny.
Water Pipit (1-2), House Martin (2), Fieldfare (3), Snipe (6), Shelduck (2), Skylark (3+),
Ring Necked Parakeet (4), Little Ringed Plover (4), Redshank (5), Lapwing (c10),
Teal (3), Wigeon (2), Shoveler (2), Green Woodpecker (1), Reed Bunting (4+)

-Staines Moor.

Common Tern (1), Ruddy Duck (c80), Goldeneye (c10), Little Ringed Plover (6),
Redshank (c20), Green Sandpiper (1), Black-headed Gull (100+)

REPORTED;- Little Gull (up to 7), Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff.

-Staines Reservoir.-N. Basin level is dropping, about 3 qtr full. Waders numbers increasing.

APRIL 5th. Fine Sunny.
Fieldfare (5), Snipe (23), Shelduck (2), Skylark (6+), Ring Necked Parakeet (2),
Little Ringed Plover (2), Green Sandpiper (7), Redshank (4), Lapwing (c10),

-Staines Moor.

Arctic Tern (1), Ruddy Duck (c100), Goldeneye (c30), Little Ringed Plover (2), Redshank (2),
REPORTED;- Kittewake, Slavonian Grebe, Red-brested Merganser.
-Staines Reservoir.

MARCH 30th. Fine Sunny.
Willow Warbler (1 heard), Chiffchaff (c15), Goldeneye (2m, 5f), Shoveler (2), Ring-necked Parakeet (2)
-Hythe Lagoon, Wraysbury

White-fronted Geese (3), Water Rail (1), Fieldfare (20+), Redwing (2), Snipe (1), Shelduck (2), Skylark (1),
Little Ringed Plover (1), Green Sandpiper (1), Redshank (2), Lapwing (4), Ring Necked Parakeet (2+),

-Staines Moor.

Black-necked Grebe (4), Ruddy Duck (c100), Goldeneye (c30), Sparrowhawk (1)
-Staines Reservoir.

MARCH 15th. Fine Sunny.
WATER PIPIT (3 by river), Meadow Pipit (c4), Fieldfare (1), Redwing (1), Snipe (6), Shelduck (6), Skylark (12+),
Kingfisher (1), Lapwing (6+), Goldfinch (c20), Reed Bunting (4M), Grey Wagtail (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (2+),

-Staines Moor.-escaped Cattle on FP!
Greylag (4), Ruddy Duck (c100), Goldeneye (10+M, 15+F), Redshank (2), Fieldfare (5), Shoveler (c50)
REPORTED;- Red-throated Diver (13th).
-Staines Reservoir.

MARCH 2nd. Sunny Intervals.
Fieldfare (c150), Redwing (3), Jay (2), Snipe (4), Shelduck (2), Skylark (6+), Meadow Pipit (c10), Ring Necked Parakeet (2),
-Staines Moor.
BLACK-NECKED GREBE (1 by path), Ruddy Duck (c200), Goldeneye (4M, 20+F), Redshank (2)
-Staines Reservoir.
Smew (1F), Goldeneye (4M,12F), Little Grebe (2), Ring-Necked Parakeet (2), Skylark (2+), Reed Bunting (1M).

FEBRUARY 9th. Cloudy with cold wind.
Little Egret (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (4),
-Staines Moor.
BLACK-THROATED DIVER (1), Ruddy Duck (c300), Goldeneye (2M, 2+F)
-Staines Reservoir.

JANUARY 11th. Cold but Sunny, ponds frozen solid.
Peregrine (1), Little Egret (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (5), Skylark (3+),
Siskin (c25), Fieldfare (80+), Redwing (1), Linnet (2), Greylag Goose (1)

-Staines Moor. (Water Pipit-10 reported)

Reports from 2002

DECEMBER 14th. Cloudy to Sunny Intervals.
Short Eared Owl (1), Ring Necked Parakeet (3), Skylark (1+), Meadow Pipit (18+), Stonechat (3),
Shelduck (1M), Ruddy Duck (3M), Fieldfare (30+), Redwing (6+)

-Staines Moor. (up to 5 S.E. Owls have been seen recently)

Goldeneye (1M,4F), Ruddy Duck (3), Shoveler (4), Smew (1F),
Ring-necked Parakeet (3), Skylark (1),


Goldeneye (1M,12F), Ruddy Duck (c300), Shoveler (c100), Grey Wagtail (1),
Cormorant (5), Common Gull (1), Lesser Black Backed Gull (1), Wigeon (80+),

-Reservoirs (Both fairly full)

NOVEMBER 30th. Cloudy.
Ring Necked Parakeet (6), Skylark (7), Stonechat (2), Ruddy Duck (1M),
-Staines Moor.
Smew(1M-juv), Goldeneye(1M,4F), Goosander(1M), Ring-Necked Parakeet(6+).

Red Breasted Merganser (1F), Goldeneye (4+M,15+F), Ruddy Duck (c300), Shoveler (c100), Meadow Pipit (10+),
Cormorant (30+), Common Gull (4), Greater Black Backed Gull (1), Teal (50+),

-Reservoirs (Both fairly full)
Recent Reports;- Short Eared Owl

NOVEMBER 2nd. Cloudy and calm.
Green Sandpiper (1), Snipe (4), Ring Necked Parakeet (4),
-Staines Moor.
Recent Reports;- Dartford Warbler, Short Eared Owl

Goldeneye (3M,3F), Ruddy Duck (c250), Shoveler (c100), Meadow Pipit (10+), Cormorant (70+).
Common Gull (2), Greater Black Backed Gull (3), Teal (50+),

-Reservoirs (Both fairly full)
Recent Reports;-Little Gull, Rock Pipit, Slavonian and Black Necked Grebes

SEPTEMBER 28th. Fine Sunny.
RUFF (2), Green Sandpiper (1), Snipe (15+), House Martin (c20), Swallow (4+),Green Woodpecker (1), Gt Spotted WP (2)
Ring Necked Parakeet (5+), Meadow Pipit (3), Reed Bunting (2), Skylark (2), Kingfisher (1M),
Teal (30+), Lapwing (c5), Sparrowhawk (1F), Kestrel (6), Yellow Wagtail (1 over)
-Staines Moor.

RUFF (1, moved in from Moor??), Yellow Wagtail (2), Lapwing (110+), Tufted (50+),
Shoveler (20+), Meadow Pipit (20+), Gadwall, Cormorants and Herons.
Common Gull (1), Greater Black Backed Gull (3), Teal (50+), Ruddy Duck (20+)
-Reservoirs (Both fairly full)

SEPTEMBER 6th.Short Sunny intervals, breezy.
Green Sandpiper (4), Snipe (1), Kingfisher (1), Teal (4+), Kestrel (4+),
-Staines Moor.

AUGUST 31st. Fine Sunny breezy.
Black Necked Grebe (3), Lapwing (3+), Tufted (300+), House Martin (c20)
Slavonian Grebe (1), Little Grebe (1), Shoveler (10+), Linnet (10+)
Greater Black Backed Gull (1), Teal (10+), Ruddy Duck (1M)
-Reservoirs (Both full)

Green Sandpiper (3), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Green Woodpecker (1), Kingfisher (1),
Black Necked Parakeet (5+), Meadow Pipit (2), Swallow (5+)
Teal (10+), Lapwing (c5), Sparrowhawk (1F), Kestrel (4+), Grey Wagtail (1)
-Staines Moor.

AUGUST 26th. Cloudy with cold wind.
Black Necked Grebe (4), Lapwing (10+), Pochard (1), Tufted (300+)
Goldeneye (1M), Wigeon (6), Little Grebe (1)
-Reservoirs (Both full)
Recent reports;-Slavonian Grebe (1), Sandwich Tern (1).

Spotted Flycatcher (2), Greenshank (1), Green Sandpiper (1), Kingfisher (1)
Teal (20+), Shoveler (6+), Lapwing (c15),
-Staines Moor.

AUGUST 3rd. Cloudy with Heavy Showers.
Common Sandpiper (6), Lapwing (10+), Pochard (3+), Tufted (200+)
Common Tern (20+), Black Headed Gull (20+)
Yellow Legged Gull (1 reported)
-Reservoirs (Both full)
Recent reports of Black Tern and Black Necked Grebe

Little Owl (1Juv), Shoveler (6+), Linnet (2), Lapwing (15), Reed Warbler (2), Kingfisher (1)
Gadwall (6), Teal (6+), Ring Necked Parakeet (2)
-Staines Moor.

JULY 6th. Overcast start with drizzle.
Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (1), Pochard (1M), Wigeon (6), Tufted (200+)
Common Tern (20+), Black Headed Gull (20+), Swift (c50), Stock Dove (4)
Herring Gull (2A, 10+juv), Lesser Black Backed Gull (2A, 4+Juv),
-Reservoirs (Both full)

Green Sandpiper(3), Hobby(1), Little Ringed Plover (1), Lapwing (5+A, 1 juv), Reed Warbler (A, 3 juv),
Skylark (1+), Whitethroat (2A, 2Juv), Gadwall (c30), Teal (2), Ring Necked Parakeet (3)
-Staines Moor.

MAY 4th. Warm Sunny.
Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (2), Redshank (2), Goldeneye (1M), Swift (c500),
Common Tern (20+), Black Headed Gull (10+), Wheatear (3)
Common Gull (1), Herring Gull (4 juv), Gadwall (4+),
-Reservoirs (N.Basin now a bit lower)
(Black Necked Grebe & Little Gull reported but not found today.)

Little Ringed Plover (2), Redshank (3), Lapwing (4), Sedge Warbler (3+), Reed Warbler (3)
Skylark (4+), Meadow Pipit (4+), Sand Martin (2), Shelduck (4 over)
Whitethroat (4+), Lesser Whitethroat (1 heard), Blackcap (1), Reed Bunting (3)
-Staines Moor.

APRIL 3rd. Warm Sunny.
Gadwall (4+), Ruddy Duck (100+), Redshank (3), Goldeneye (6+), Shoveler (50+)
Pochard (1F), also Teal and Wigeon, Black Headed Gull (30+), Herring Gull (20+)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

(Slavonian Grebe & Little Gull reported but not found today. Millions of flies!!)

Little Ringed Plover (4), Snipe (5), Redshank (10+), Lapwing (10+),
Little Grebe (3), Skylark (6), Meadow Pipit (4+), Sand Martin (2), Shelduck (4)
Blackcap (1), Reed Bunting (4+),Ring Necked Parakeet (6).
-Staines Moor.

MARCH 3rd. Cloudy.
Stonechat (1F).-Staines Moor.
(Little Egret reported.)

Black Necked Grebe (3), Ruddy Duck (100+), Redshank (8), Goldeneye (50+), Shoveler (50+)
Lesser Black Backed Gull (1), Little Grebe (1), Meadow Pipit (1)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

(Slavonian Grebe reported but not found today.)

Reports from 2001

NOVEMBER 3rd. Warm and Sunny.
Ring Necked Parakeet (10).-Staines Moor.

Ruddy Duck (2), Redshank (1), Goldeneye (2F,1M)-Reservoirs (both still full)

SEPTEMBER 9th. Moor has flooded areas, weather, sunny but breezy
Lesser Whitethroat(1), Chiffchaff (4+), Green Sandpiper (5-6), Common Sandpiper (1).
Heron(4), Ring-Necked Parakeet(8+),Hobby (3), Winchat (3),
(poss. Yellow Wagtail), Linnet(8), Meadow Pipit (10+), Cormorant(3).
Lapwing(50+), Stock Dove(2), House Martins and Swallows still around.
Ring Necked Parakeet (10).
-Staines Moor.

Teal(20+), Coot(100+), Cormorant (80-100), Heron (3), Black Headed Gulls(10).
Tufted Duck(80+), Gadwall (30+), Mallard(10), Great Crested Grebes(10+).
Pied Wagtails(4), Swallow (10+), House Martin (50+)
(RECENTLY Little Gull, Slavonian Grebe and Black Tern)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

JUNE 30th. Moor drying out, weather, cloudy start to hot and sunny
MOOR (Muntjac deer(1) on path! Banded Demoiselle(100s), Broad Bodied Chaser(1) )
Redshank(1), Whitethroat(4+), Heron(4), Ring-Necked Parrakeet(2)
Reed Warbler(6+), Sedge Warbler(3+), Reed Bunting(3+),Skylark(3+), Linnet(2), Cormorant(3).
Lapwing(8+), Stock Dove(2), House Martin, Swallow and Swift in abundance.
-Staines Moor.

Teal(1M), Coot(100+), Common Tern(40+) nesting on rafts.
Black Headed Gulls(10), Herring Gull(3), Tufted Duck(30+), Mallard(10)+Juveniles
Great Crested Grebes(10+), Pied Wagtails(4)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

MAY 26th. weather, hot and sunny
Black-Necked Grebe(1-2), Common Sandpiper(1), Redshank(1).
Common Tern(84) approx 16 nesting pairs. Black Headed Gulls(10), Herring Gull(10J).
Tufted Duck(10+), Gadwall(3), Mallard(10)+Juveniles
Great Crested Grebes(10+), Pied Wagtails(2)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

Shelduck(6), Lapwing(2), Redshank(1), Shoveler(1M).
Ring Necked Parakeet(1F in tree)
-Staines Moor.

MAY 20th
Hythe Lagoon.Nightingale-Singing across -(park by the VW Camper Garage.)
Also R.N.Parakeet, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Bullfinch, Tree Creeper, Garden Warbler etc.
Horton gravel pit.Hobbies-3+ (Also Sedge Warblers and Whitethroat)
MAY 5th weather, cool but sunny
Swift(c1000)-Spectacular Sight! Common Tern(30+), Little Gull(1 reported).
Black Headed Gulls(100), Herring Gull(1J),Lesser Black Backed (1).
Tufted Duck(100+), Mallard(20), Great Crested Grebes(10+).
Pied Wagtails(2)
-Reservoirs (both still full)

Shelduck(6), Lapwing(4), Redshank(6).
REPORTED-Garganey(M), Black Tern(2 yesterday).
-Staines Moor.

5/5/01 Reservoirs now open after Foot & Mouth restrictions

Goldeneye, R.N.Parrakeet.
MARCH 11th.
Shelduck(3), Lapwing(10), Redshank(6+), Ring Necked Parrakeet(3)-flying over.-Staines Moor. (Viewed From A30)

JANUARY 14th. weather, cold but sunny
Great Northern Diver (2-3), Little Gull(1-3)
Black Headed Gulls, Common Gull(3),Greater Black Backed (1), Coots(100's), Cormorant(6).
Shoveler (50),Tufted Duck(100+), Goldeneye(20), Mallard(30), Ruddy Duck(1), Wigeon((50+).
Redshank(2), Great Crested Grebes(20+), Pied Wagtails(2), Grey Wagtail(1).
-Staines Reservoir
Smew(1M), Goldeneye(M,4F), Goosander(2F), Ring-Necked Parakeet(6).

Reports from 2000

16/12/00 NB Both reservoirs still very FULL, weather, cold to cloudy

Great Northern Diver (1)-North side.(2 reported)
Black Headed Gulls, Common Gull(6)
Meadow Pipits(10).
Coots(100's), Cormorant(6), Heron(3).
Shoveler (50),Tufted Duck(100+),Teal(50+), Goldeneye(20) -approx 6 Drakes.
Mallard(30), Ruddy Duck(122), Wigeon((50+). Teal(c100).
Great Crested Grebes(20+), Black Necked Grebe(1).
Pied Wagtails(6), Grey Wagtail(1/2).

(Goosander reported 11/11.)

4/11/00 NB Both reservoirs still very FULL

Great Northern Diver (1)-North side.
Linnets (Flocks of 20-30 on margins of path).
Meadow Pipits(10). Black Headed Gulls.
Coots, Cormorant, Heron.
Shoveler (50),Tufted Duck(100+),Teal(50+), Goldeneye(1)-20 or more recently-moved to other reservior?
Mallard, Pochard(4) Wigeon((10)
Great Crested Grebes, Little Grebe(3).
Pied Wagtails(3),Kestrel.

19/8/00 NB Both reservoirs still FULL

Gulls-Yellow Legged (2 Adults), Herring (6 Adult,37 Juv.)
Linnets (Flocks of 20-30 on margins of path).
Starling,(c100) Magpie,-Juv BN Grebe reported-not seen.
Coots,Swallow, House Martin.
Shoveller (1),Tufted Duck(100+)
Mallard, Pochard(4+) Shoveler(1)
Great Crested Grebes,Kestrel, Feral and Wood Pigeons.
Pied Wagtail (4 Adult and Juveniles)
Cormorant(1 Juv), Heron, Peregrine(1 Adult)

15/7/00 NB Both reservoirs still FULL

Gulls-Black Headed (4 nesting pairs),Greater Black Backed.YELLOW LEGGED (1 Adult)
Common Terns nested 50 nests reported, many juveniles now flying.
Whitethroat(2 Car Park)Starling, Goldfinch. Sparrow, Magpie.
Coots, Swifts(50+), House Martin, Sand Martin(1)
Shoveller (1),Tufted Duck(100+)
Mallard, Pochard(20+)Ruddy Duck(1F)
Great Crested Grebes,Kestrel, Feral and Wood Pigeons.
Pied Wagtail (Adult and Juveniles)
Cormorant(1 Juv),Reed Bunting(1M)

8/4/00 Both Reservoirs full- warm and sunny

Reports of 2 Little Gulls, Slavonian Grebe and Black Necked Grebe.
Not seen today. (Lee Evans couldn't find them)
did see the usual Cormorants and Herons Kestrels(2)
Coots, Great Crested Grebes.
Shoveller,Tufted Duck.
Mallard, Wigeon, Teal
Redshank (4)
Lapwing (10),Goldeneye (4M,20+F)
Shelduck (10)
Yellow Wagtails (2), Pied Wagtails, Wheatear (1M)
Gulls-Black Headed.

2/1/00 North reservoir still EMPTY-just pools left.

Coots, Great Crested Grebes.
Shoveller,Tufted Duck.
Mallard, Swan.
8 Redshank.
Teal, Wigeon.
approx 10 Goldeneye.
approx 20 Shelduck, 3 Goosander (2M, 1F)
Linnet, Pied Wagtails
Gulls-Black Headed,Greater Black Backed.

18/12/99 North reservoir still EMPTY
Peregrine has cleared most waders?

6 Cormorants and 2 Herons
Coots, Great Crested Grebes.
Shoveller,Tufted Duck.
6 Redshank, 2 Dunlin
approx 50 Ruddy Duck.
approx 20 Goldeneye-females with 4 Drakes displaying!
approx 20 Shelduck, 4 Goosander (3M, 1F)
Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails
Gulls-Black Headed,Greater Black Backed, Common.

27/11/99 North reservoir only quarter full-waders are in!

Cormorants and Herons
Coots, Great Crested Grebes.
Shoveller,Tufted Duck, 2 Ruddy Duck, Smew (F) reported.
Mallard,Wigeon, Teal
Redshank,Dunlin (50 plus)
Lapwing (100), Grey Plover (3 plus) Goldeneye
Shelduck, 4 Goosander (3M, 1F)
Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails
Gulls-Black Headed.

Pictures from Camcorder

Click on the small picture for full size version.
Staines Res. 14/1/01
Bk-Throated Diver
Staines Res, 9/2/03
Gt Northern Divers
Staines Res, 14/1/01
Reed Bunting
Staines Res, 8/4/00
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Yellow Wagtail
Staines Res. 8/4/00
Meadow Pipit
Staines Res.
Goldeneye Drakes,
Staines Res, 17/12/99
Distant Peregrine
Staines Res 2/1/00
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Staines Moor, 2/3/03
Green WP
Staines Moor, 2/3/03
Bk-necked Grebe
Staines Res. 2/3/03
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Little Ringed Plover
Staines Moor, 30/3/03
Staines Moor, 20/3/03
Winchat (M)
Staines Moor, (3/5/03)
Pied Wagtail (J)
Staines Resr. 20/7/03
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Garganey (F)
Staines Moor, 23/8/03
Ring-Necked Parakeet
Staines Moor, 23/8/03
Bk-Necked Grebe
Staines Resr, 300/8/03
Staines Moor, 30/08/03
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Wheatear (F)
Staines Moor, 21/9/03
Yellow Wagtail
Staines Moor, 21/9/03
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Concorde, once a spectacular sight but sadly no more

Concord Take Off
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