Farlington, Keyhaven, Titchfield Haven, New Forest.

Some recent sightings,


Monday 6th Nov. (13.00-14.30)-Farlington Marsh
13 Avocet, c220 Black Tailed Godwit, 1 Water Rail,

Tuesday 31st Oct (9.00 -11.00)-Keyhaven Marsh
6 Bearded Tit, 6 Skylark, 6 Black Tailed Godwit, 1m Stonechat, 1 Snipe.

Monday 23rd Jan (13.50-14.30)-Farlington Marsh/Warblington
7 Avocet,
1 Cattle Egret, 13 Little Egret, 2+ Bullfinch, (Pook Lane, Warblington again, @13.20)

Tuesday 17th Jan (9.00 -11.30)-Farlington Marsh/Warblington
16 Avocet, 1f Merlin, 1 Ruff (?), 10+ Knot, 7 Snipe, 3 Goldeneye, 2 Barnacle Geese, 2 Rock Pipits.
1 Cattle Egret, 12 Little Egret, (Pook Lane, Warblington, @11.45)


Friday 17th June (9.00-10.30)-Farlington Marsh
3 Bearded Tit, 17 Black Tailed Godwit, 2 Redshank, 1 Little Egret.


Friday 21st May (08.55-11.15)-Keyhaven Marsh
4 Bearded Tit, 70 Black Tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank, 3 Redshank, c30 Dunlin, c20 Ringed Plover,
4 Turnstone, 1 Whimbrel, 2 Grey Plover, 4 Little Tern, 4 Little Egret.

Friday 21st May (11.45)-Beaulieu Road Station
7 Stonechat (3m,4f), 1 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, 2 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 3 Hobby (? very distant)

Saturday 20th Sept.(08.15)-Lymington River, from IOW Ferry
Eider (1F), Little Egret (6)

Saturday 20th Sept.(08.45-12.30)-Keyhaven Marsh
Little Stint (1), Goshawk (1 poss), Eider (4), Knot (2), Black Tailed Godwit (c20),
Greenshank (6), Redshank (20+), Wigeon (2), Lapwing (10+), Dunlin (10+), Ringed Plover (10+),
Dartford Warbler (1m), Wheatear (5+), Stonechat (2M, 3F/juv), Turnstone (20+).

Saturday 20th Sept.(13.55)-Beaulieu Road Station
Winchat (1), Stonechat (3m,4f), Coal Tit (2+),Green Woodpecker (1)

Thursday 21st Aug.(08.25-10.45)-Farlington Marsh
TEMMINCK'S STINT (1), Redstart (1F), Lesser Whitethroat (3), Bearded Tit (3), Knot (3), Starling (200+)
also Dunlin, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing, Curlew.

Reported;- Garganey, Yellow Wagtail, Green Sandpiper

Saturday 29th June.(08.25)-Lymington River, from IOW Ferry
Eider (4F), Common Tern (40+)

Saturday 29th June.(09.20)-Keyhaven Marsh
Eider (19), Common Tern (20+), Little Tern (4+), Black Tailed Godwit (1), Shelduck (Adults and Ducklings)
Bearded Tit (3), Spotted Redshank (1, Summer Plumage), Greenshank (2), Redshank (5), Wigeon (3), Little Owl (1),
Buzzard (1), Kestrel (1), Stonechat (2M, 3F/juv), Reed Warbler (2), Reed Bunting (3), Skylark etc.

Saturday 29th June.(13.00-15.00)-Beaulieu Road Station
Spotted Flycatcher (2a,2juv), Hobby (4), Buzzard (2), Redstart (1F, 1 juv), Dartford Warbler (1M), Nuthatch (heard),
Stonechat (3m,2f and juv), Treecreeper (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Green Woodpecker (2)

Saturday 1st March.(08.25)-Lymington River, from IOW Ferry
Eider (1M, 3F), Red-breasted Merganser (2)

Saturday 1st March.(09.00-11.30)-Beaulieu Road Station
Woodlark (2), Hen Harrier (1M), Crossbill (2 over), Dartford Warbler (2M), Nuthatch (heard), Treecreeper (1)
Curlew (4+), Lapwing (10+), Teal (3), Mallard (4)

Sunday 22/12/02.(08.40-10.450)-Farlington
Avocet (5), Scaup (1F, 1 juv M?), Dartford Warbler (1), Goldeneye (6+), Red-breasted Merganser (20+)
Bk Tailed Godwit (50+), Dunlin (c1000+), Grey Plover (50+), Little Egret (1), Gadwall (2), Knot (1)
Reed Bunting (2), many Shelduck, Brent Geese, Lapwing,

Saturday 26/10/02.-Keyhaven (Strong W. Wind.)
Curlew Sandpiper (2), Knot (2-3), Bar Tailed Godwit (1)
Large numbers of Turnstone at water's edge.

Sunday 25/8/02.(15.00-17.00)-Farlington
Curlew Sandpiper (3), Water Rail (1J), Bk Tailed Godwit (50+), Bar Tailed (1)
Bearded Tit (1)Snipe (1)Greenshank (20+)Grey Plover (20+)

Sunday 11/8/02.(08.40-11.20)-Farlington
Wood Sandpiper (1), Common Sandpiper (6), Bearded Tit (2 juv)
Black Tailed Godwit (50+)Spotted Redshank (4)

Saturday 20/7/02 (10.20-12.00)-Titchfied Haven
Spoonbill (1)Avocet (6, inc 2 juv)Roseate Tern (1)Black Tailed Godwit (20+)

Saturday 29/6/02 (10.12-11.15)-Titchfied Haven
Avocet (4, inc 2 juv), Black Tailed Godwit (20+)

Sunday 14/10/01.(09.20-11.20)-Farlington
Red Backed Shrike (1J)Snipe (4)Black Tailed Godwit (50+)Greenshank (30+)

Tuesday 4/9/01 (09.30-13.15)-Keyhaven
Ruff (1F, very close)Bar Tailed Godwit (1)Black Tailed Godwit (50+)Wheatear (6+)
Common Scoter (1)Lesser Black Backed Gull (2)Linnet (1)Oystercatcher (100+)

Wednesday 18/7/01 (09.30-12.15)-Keyhaven
Temminck's Stint (2), Curlew Sandpiper (4-Summer Plumage), Black Tailed Godwit (2+), Lesser Whitethroat (1 Juv)
Little Ringed Plover (1+2Juv), Lesser Black Backed Gull (1), Linnet (10+ Juv), Oystercatcher (2+1Juv)

Friday 6/7/01 (09.30-11.15)-Farlington
Dunlin (1), Little Tern (2), Black Tailed Godwit (50+), Meditteranean Gull (1)

Saturday 9/6/01 (08.40-11.05)-Farlington
Pectoral Sandpiper (1), Grey Plover (1), Black Tailed Godwit (50+), Meditteranean Gull (1)


(Keyhaven 28/6/03)
Bearded Tit (F)
(Keyhaven 28/6/03)
(Keyhaven 28/6/03)
(Beaulieu Road, 28/6/03)
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Temminck's Stint 1
(Farlington, 21/8/03)
Temminck's Stint 2
(Keyhaven 18/7/01)
Hen Harrier (M)
(Beaulieu Road, 1/3/03)
Curlew Sandpiper
(Keyhaven 18/7/01)
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Reeve (Ruff)
(Keyhaven 4/9/01)
Red Backed Shrike
(Farlington 14/10/01)
(Keyhaven 26/10/02)
Curlew Sandpipers
(Keyhaven 26/10/02)
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
(Keyhaven 20/9/03)
Little Stint
(Keyhaven 20/9/03)
(Keyhaven 26/10/02)
Curlew Sandpipers
(Keyhaven 26/10/02)
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

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