YEAR LIST for 2000

A list of all the species I've seen this year.
May be of interest to some - and prove amusing to the more expert birders!

Birds in CAPITALS are first time sightings,("Lifers")
(Numbers in Brackets are IOW total.)Feral/Escaped birds (E)

01/01 Working in the morning but got out birding about 2pm!
(The first birds seen were on the A40)

001-Carrion Crow, Feral Pigeon, Black Headed Gull, Magpie, Pied Wagtail, Kestrel.

Then a trip to Stockers Lake
007-Herring Gull, Starling, Wood Pigeon,
010-Robin, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Sparrow, Greenfinch, Cormorant, Green Woodpecker, Blackbird, Goldfinch, Stock Dove,
020-Tufted Duck, Coot, Canada Goose, Mallard, Mute Swan, Goosander, Gadwall, Pochard, Shoveller, Goldeneye,
030-Common Gull, Grey Heron, Wren, Moorhen, Wigeon, Great Crested Grebe, Water Rail, Little Grebe, Lapwing, Golden Plover,
040-Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Song Thrush, Great Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Fieldfare, Redwing, Little Owl.

02/01-Wraysbury and Staines Reservoir
048-Rose Ringed Parrakeet, Collared Dove, Scaup, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Ruddy Duck, Greylag Goose, Smew, Shelduck, Greater Black Backed Gull,(050)- Teal, Redshank, Peregrine Falcon,
060-Lesser Black Backed Gull, Linnet, Missle Thrush.

Scots Bridge Rickmansworth
063-Grey Wagtail, Green Sandpiper.

03/01, Broadwater Lake
065-Jay, Redpoll, Bullfinch, Sparrowhawk, Long Tailed Duck, Kingfisher, Siskin.

04/01-Springwell Lake
072-Reed Bunting, Pheasant, Treecreeper, Red Crested Pochard, Slavonian Grebe
Nuthatch (Park Wood), Stonechat, Meadow Pipit (Stockers FP).

09/01-Fisher's Green (Lee Valley)
080-LONG EARED OWL, Bittern, Snipe, Chiff Chaff(Springwell).

10/01-Tescos Rickmanworth to Springwell Lake
084-Jackdaw, Blackcap,

10/01-Ruislip Lido.

12/01-Stockers Farm
087-Rook (Fly over job!).

15/01-On route to IOW stopped at Farlington Marsh (Portsmouth)
088-Brent Goose, Dunlin, Ringed Plover,
091-Curlew, Grey Plover, Knot, Pintail, Black Tailed Godwit,
096-Great Northern Diver, Red Breasted Merganser, Oystercatcher, Little Egret.
100-Rock Pipit, FERRUGINOUS DUCK, Skylark.

IOW-Laundry Lane
103(088)-Short Eared Owl.

16/01-IOW,Ryde Esplanade.
104(089)-Sanderling (155 on the beach!),

16/01-IOW,Foreland (Bembridge.)
105(90)- Purple Sandpiper, Mediterranean Gull, Barnacle Goose (Seaview Duver),
109(94)-Hen Harrier (Laundry Lane).

17/01-IOW,Firestone Copse
110(95)-Coal Tit.


112((97)-RAZORBILL, Bean Goose (Laundry Lane),and (E) Snow Geese, Buzzard, Greenshank (Bem Ponds).

116(101)-Gannet, Guillimot, Fulmer, Mandarin Duck (Shankin Pond),
120(104)- Common Scoter (Puckpool/Solent.)

24/01-Aston Rowant(Near Stockenchurch A40)
121-Red Kite, Brambling, Marsh Tit.

26/01-Harrow on Hill (opposite Northwick Park Hospital)
124-Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.

125(106)-Raven(Culver) Bar Tailed Godwit(Ryde Sands), Barn Owl(Alverstone NR).

128(109)-Water Pipit (Bem Ponds)

129(110)-Yellow Hammer (Brading WW), Crossbill(Firestone).
131(112)-Spotted Redshank (NNR-01/02)
132(113)-Black Redstart (St.Helens Marina-02/02)

05/02-Farlington Marsh
133-Little Stint,Cetti's Warbler(Heard only)

13/02-Welney WWT.
135-Whooper Swan, Bewick Swan.
137-White Fronted Goose.

138(114)-Dartford Warbler(SCP), Red Legged Partridge (Culver),
(E)-Red-Tailed Hawk (L.Lane)

Forest of Dean trip 11-14/3/00.
140-Dipper, Woodcock (Cannop Ponds)
142-Goshawk (New Fancy Viewpoint) Hawfinch (Speech House)

Coopers Green (near St.Albans) 18/3
145-Tree Sparrow (2) 146-Little Ringed Plover (Stockers Field 19/3)

25/03-1/04 IOW
147(119)-Swallow (St. Helens), Wheatear (Culver)
149(120)-Corn Bunting (Whale Chine),
150(121)-Willow Warbler (Brading 1/4)

151-House Martin (Broadwater Lake 5/4)
152-Yellow Wagtail (Staines Res. 8/4)
153-Marsh Harrier (Springwell Lock.13/4)

IOW Trip
154-Sandwich Tern. (17/4 Ryde Sands)

Sea Watch SCP 18/4
155(126)-Black Throated Diver, Manx Shearwater, Artic Skua,Great Skua (Bonxie)
159(130)-Puffin, Red Throated Diver (19/4)

161(131)-Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat (Alverstone NR 19/4)
163(133)-Cuckoo (heard and Seen Laundry Lane 20/4)
164(134)-Common Tern (Fishbourne creek, 21/4), Reed Warbler (Heard Quarr Ponds)
166(136)-Whimbrel (3 in Bembridge Harbour 21/4)
167(137)-Nightingale (heard and glimpsed Causeway Bridge NNR 21/4)
168(138)-Pied Flycatcher (Seen briefly next to Duver woods St. Helens 22/4)
169(139)-Shag (Hanover Point 23/4);-also(140)-Gadwall at SCP

Forest of Dean and Wales trip
170-Redstart(pair) (Speech House 24/4), Wood Warbler (Edge End)
172-Winchat (Elan Valley 26/4) also lots of Red Kites!

Stockers Lake 29/4,
173-Garden Warbler (4)
174-Black Tern (Rickmansworth S.C.Lake 1/5)

IOW Trip 6-12/5;-108 Species seen
175(140)-Swift (5/5 A32, 6/5 SCP)
176(141)-Little Gull (6/5 SCP);-also (142)-Yellow Wagtail
177(143)-Hobby (6/5 SCP)
178(144)-Common Sandpiper (6/5 Bem Lagoon)
179(145)-AVOCET 2(6/5 Bem Marsh-seen from St. Helens Waterworks Lane)
180(146)-Lesser Whitethroat (7/5 NNR);-Also (147)-Garden Warbler (8/5 Shide/Blackwater FP)
181(148)-Nightjar 5 (8/5 Parkhurst forest) also (149)-Woodcock.
182(150)-Little Tern 2 (11/5 NNR)
183-Tawny Owl (12/5 crossed M3!) heard before but now seen

Forest of Dean.
184-Tree Pipit (29/5) Crabtree Hill Cinderford, also Woodcock but no Nightjars.
185-Spotted Flycatcher (30/5) Monmouth by river at Castle.

IOW Trip 26/6-3/7, 92 Species seen
......(151)-Spotted Flycatcher(28/6,Shide/Blackwater FP)
186(152)-Turtle Dove.(Yafford Mill,2/7)

187-YELLOW LEGGED GULL (Staines Res,15/7)
188-Ruff, WOOD SANDPIPER (Slimbridge WWT 18/8)

IOW Trip 26/8-1/9, 93 Species seen
......(153)-Green Sandpiper(Bembridge Laggoon)..(154)-Redstart,(Laundry Lane)
190(155)MONTAGU'S HARRIER-Juv.(Ventnor Downs 28/8)...(156)-Winchat (NNR 28/8)

WWT Welney 3/9,
191-WHITE RUMPED SANDPIPER.(Friend's Hide) 192-Curlew Sandpiper(15!).

IOW Trip 10/9-15/9, 104 Species seen!

193(157)-HONEY BUZZARD (Ventnor Downs 12am 11/9)
194(158)-Osprey(Firestone/Wootton Creek 13/9)

IOW Trip 23-29/9, 103 Species seen!(116 in September)
195(159)Grasshopper Warbler,(Ventnor Downs 23/9) ....(160)Tree Pipit.
....(161) Marsh Harrier (Laundry Lane 24/9)

30/09 Farlington Marsh (Portsmouth)
196-Bearded Tit.(and an Osprey catching a fish.)
197-EIDER (Duck).
198-Black Necked Grebe.

IOW Trip 21-28/10, 93 Species seen, including 3 Black Redstarts.
199(162)Merlin(f)-(Laundry Lane 22/10)

IOW Trip 18-24/11, 100+ Species seen, including Slavonian Grebe.
200(163)Kittiwake (SCPt. 19/11)-distant sightings earlier in the year not counted.
....(164)Ruddy Duck(2F+Juv)-(Yarmouth Station Pond 20/11)

That's the total so far this year.

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