IOW Sightings for 2001

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Bad news-once again the Black Headed Gull colony at Newtown failed
-mainly due to fox predation.(Those nesting on Gull Island have been successful)

The RSBP launched an appeal to buy Bembridge Marsh as a bird reserve. Great news!
They needed to raise 500,000 to purchase the land. Local members raised a lot of it.

Dartford Warbler-------------Peregrine(WHD)---------Cuckoo (Laundry La)------------- Raven(Gore Cliff)

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Sightings/Reports for 2001

(Underlined birds seen, and rest reported by other birders.)
Click for full monthly species list.

Monday 31st.Sunny but cold.
Red Necked Grebe (1), Fulmar (3), Shag (1),
Shelduck (14 out at sea)
-Sandown Bay from Shanklin Cliff Walk

Gannet (1), Turnstone (4), Ringed Plover (5),
Meditteranean Gull (1), Red Throated Diver (2 flying SW),
-Foreland, Bembridge

Reported by Graham S.
Black Throated Diver (2), Velvet Scoter (3) -off Seaview
Hen Harrier (2F)-Yarmouth Marsh
and from Chris M.
Chiff Chaff (3)-Brading Sewage Works

Sunday 30th.Sunny but cold.
Red Throated Diver (1), Guillemot (3), Common Scoter(?)(3)-Sandown Bay from Shanklin
Short Eared Owl (2), Merlin (1F), Chiff Chaff (1),
Meadow Pipit (6), Grey Wagtail (1), Barn Owl (1)
- Brading Marsh and Laundry Lane

Red Throated Diver-Bembridge Harbour 11am.

Also reported;-
White Fronted Geese-Folly Lake, Medina Estuary
Velvet and Common Scoter-Seaview Duver
Red Necked Grebe-Sandown Bay, (Shanklin end)
Firecrest-below Paradise Walk, St. Lawrence

Saturday 29th. Snow Showers to Sunny but cold.
Hen Harrier (1M), Sparrowhawk (1), Short Eared Owl (1),
Meadow Pipit (3) Yellowhammer (2), Grey Wagtail (2),
Greylag Geese (2), Treecreeper (1)
- Brading Marsh and Laundry Lane

Red Throated Diver reported in Harbour again.

Friday 28th. Cloudy, windy Sunny Intervals.
Hen Harrier (1M), Sparrowhawk (1), Skylark (1), Meadow Pipit (3),
Redwing (6+)
- Alverstone to Newchurch FP

Fieldfare (20+)- Ashey Road, & "Partlands PH", Ryde

Goldeneye (5F), Water Rail (heard), Dunlin (150+), Lapwing (100+)
Ringed Plover (6), Black Tailed Godwit (11), Missle Thrush (5)
Little Grebe (10+), Skylark (4),
- Dodnor and Medina Estuary

(No sign of White Fronted Geese at Sandown or by Medina)

Thursday 27th. Cloudy to Sunny Intervals.
Velvet Scoter (1F), Red Breasted Merganser (10+), - Seaview (at sea)
(Red Throated?) Diver (1), Guillemot (3), Meditteranean Gull (4+)- Foreland, Bembridge

Reports from Chris M.
Red Throated Diver (1)- Bembridge harbour
Hen Harrier (1F) -SW through Alversone Mead

Wednesday 26th. Reported
Red Necked Grebe (1), Black Necked Grebe (1), Raven (4) - Sandown Bay

Monday 24th. Cloudy.
Redwing (30+), Stock Dove (14)- Mersley Down (Long Eared Owl reported but not found)

Sanderling (2), Red Breasted Merganser (1M), Meditteranean Gull (3)
Grey Plover (10), Sparrowhawk (1), Kingfisher (1M)
- Bembridge Harbour and Coast

Sunday 23rd. Sunny v. cold.
Short Eared Owls (3)- Laundry Lane
(1 each side of Lane and another on Brading Marsh)
White Fronted Geese (2)- Stag Lane, Medina Estuary

Saturday 22nd. Sunny v. cold wind
White Fronted Goose (3), (1A and 2Juv), Snipe (3),
Meadow Pipit (3)
-(FP SS 38) Perowne Way, Sandown, (Still on Marsh)
Hen Harrier (1M), Peregrine (1F)- Laundry Lane

Wednesday 19th. E-Mail report Chris M.
White Fronted Goose (3, 1A and 2Juv)-Perowne Way, Sandown, (on Marsh)

Sunday 16th. E-Mail report Chris M.
Greylag Goose (4), Gadwall (1), Wigeon (400+)- Bembridge Marsh

White Fronted Goose (2)- Folly Inn, R. Medina

Saturday 15th. E-Mail report Chris M. -No sign of Bewicks today.

Peregrine Falcon(1F), Merlin (1F - hunting Dunlin), Brent Goose (1 pale bellied)
Buzzard (3), Kestrel (1), Knot (60+), Great Crested Grebe (5)
Pintail (16), Goldeneye (7), Kingfisher (1), Treecreeper (2),
- Newtown NR

Peregrine (1), Buzzard (4), Kestrel (2), Sparrowhawk (1F)
Hen Harrier - (1M came in to roost in rush bed area at 3.20pm )
Whitefront Goose (3 flew in from harbour direction then flew toward Seaview)
Greylag (2 with Canada Geese), SE Owl (1)
Snipe (12+)
- Laundry Lane

Black Necked Grebe (1)- Yarmouth by mill

Friday 14th. E-Mail report Chris M.
Bewick Swan (2)- reported at Newtown NR
Hen Harrier (1M)- reported at Laundry Lane, (Mike S.)

Tuesday 4th. E-Mail report Chris M.
Goosander (1F seen for 10mins), Great Northern Diver(1 close to wall)- Puckpool, sea watch
Also Great Crested Grebes and Red Breasted Mergansers at sea.

Sunday 2nd. E-Mail report Chris M.
Dartford Warbler (1), Snipe (7), Buzzard (2)- Harbour Farm, Bembridge Marsh
RSPB Walk, a "preview" of new Reserve.
Short Eared Owl (3), Barn Owl (1), Chiff Chaff (2)-Brading/Laundry Lane

Click for full monthly species list.

Friday 30th. Mild, cloudy, showers.
Razorbill (1), Great Crested Grebe (2), Red Breasted Merganser (5)- Puckpool sea watch 2pm
Razorbill came very close, preening on sea.

Wednesday 28th. Sunny Intervals.
Firecrest (2), Goldcrest (4+)- below "Paradise Walk", St. Lawrence
Firecrest displaying to Goldcrest!
SZ540769 (Click for map).

Tuesday 27th. Cold, Windy and Showers.
Dunlin (4), Ringed Plover (17), Sanderling (c110).-Ryde Sands
Great Crested Grebe (5), Red Breasted Merganser (10)-Puckpool sea watch
Mandarin (1M)-St Helens Bridge (on Riverbank-LHS)
1st. Male seen this year?

Monday 26th. Cold and Fine.
Dartford Warbler (1), Raven (2), Peregrine (1), Stonechat (2)-West High Down. Totland

Siskin (2), Stonechat (2), Chiff Chaff (2)
Fieldfare (c50), Reed Bunting (2)
-Alverstone to Newchurch FP (old Railway Line)

Sunday 25th. Showers.
Common Scoter (10 moving SW), Shag (1), Rock Pipit (3)-Foreland, Bembridge

Saturday 24th. Sunny and mild.
Golden Plover (395), Lapwing (200+), Dunlin (c1200), Grey Plover (50+),
Turnstone (c10), Black Tailed Godwit (20+), Brent Geese (c1100), Little Grebe (6)
Shelduck (85), Goldeneye (1M, 3F), Red Breasted Merganser (1M, 4F)
Rock Pipit (3), Yellowhammer (c10), Common Gull (1-rare at Newtown)
Peregrine (1), Buzzard (1), Kingfisher (1M)
-Newtown NR

Friday 23rd. Cold, sunny to cloudy.
Peregrine (1), Buzzard (1), Pheasant (24)-Marvel Lane, Blackwater.
poss. Crossbill (4 over- "Chip, Chip" call), Tree Creeper (1), Coal Tit (7)-Firestone Copse
Also Red Squirrel (8)
Bar Tailed Godwit (2), Lesser Black Backed Gull (1)-Ryde Sands

Thursday 22nd. Cloudy.
Firecrest (1 @ 8.50), Yellowhammer (3)-Brading by railway. (80m N of Station, in bushes)
Sanderling (200+), Dunlin (2)-Ryde Sands
Short Eared Owl (2), Fieldfare (100+), Stonechat (1F)-Laundry Lane

Wednesday 21st. Cloudy.
Turnstone (25), Dunlin (c100), Ringed Plover (c25), Grey Plover (3), Lapwing (50+),
Wigeon (4), Teal (4), Heron (3), Little Egret (4), Little Grebe (12+), Water Rail (2 heard),
Redwing and Fieldfare (Flocks of 10-40), Missle Thrush (3),
Sparrowhawk (2), Kestrel (3), Grey Wagtail (1),
Snipe (1), Skylark (5), Brent Goose (4).
-Medina Estuary

Tuesday 20th. Sunny Intervals.
Spotted Redshank (2), Shoveler (3), Pintail (1M)-Yarmouth
Spotted Redshank (3), Linnet (20+), Peregrine (1)-Newtown NR
Grey Wagtail (3), Pied Wagtail (8, Meadow Pipit (12)-Brading W.Works
Short Eared Owl (1), Fieldfare (c150)-Laundry Lane

Monday 19th. Sunny intervals.
Water Rail (2), Greenshank (3), Little Grebe (8)-Bembridge Ponds
Black Tailed Godwit (1), Rock Pipit (4), Kingfisher (1), Turnstone (1)-Bembridge Harbour
Also interesting Dunlin(?) with Redshank. Straight bill, warm brown back, all white below.

Grey Partridge (13)(2 covies, 4 and 9), Curlew (1), Buzzard (1), Peregrine (1), Kestrel (2)
Skylark (10), Reed Bunting (1F)
-Whale Chine/Atherfield
(Fields by Military Road.)
Also Swallow-Shankin (Chris M.)

Sunday 18th. Cloudy with showers.
Little Egret (6)-Quarr Abbey (fields by road)
Short Eared Owl (2), Barn Owl (1+)-Laundry Lane

Other birds reported earlier in the week, (Wed?)
Spoonbill (1), Curlew Sandpiper (1)-Newtown NR

Saturday 17th. BIRDCALL
Velvet Scoter (2), Common Scoter (3), Great Northern Diver (4),
Black Throated Diver (2), Red Throated Diver (6)
-Blue Point??(I don't know where this is!)

(Would expect these from St Catherines Pt. round to Ventnor/Shanklin)

Thursday 15th. reported.
Sanderling (365)!-Ryde Esplanade
That's the most I've heard of at Ryde Sands

Wednesday 14th. E Mail report Chris M.
Swallow (1)-Shanklin, Clifftop
Also House Martin last Friday

Saturday 10th. E Mail report Kris G.
Great Crested Grebe (5),Red-breasted Mergansers (3)-Sea off Appley, Ryde.
Divers (7)-off Shanklin
Little Auk (1)-off Hurst Spit.
Short Eared Owls (3), Barn Owl (1), Chiff Chaff (1).-Laundry Lane.

(Reported from Nov 4th,Yellow-browed Warbler Alum Bay)
(Also from Oct 30th-Long-tailed Skua past Sandown.)

Graham S;- Red Kite (1 W 9.50), Firecrest (1), 15 Brambling (15).-St Catherines Pt

Friday 2nd. E Mail report Chris M.
Short Eared Owl (3), Merlin (1F), Fieldfare (c100, flocks 70+), Stonechat (2),-Laundry Lane.
Swallow (2)-Foreland. (Graham S.)

Thursday 1st. E Mail report Chris M.
Short Eared Owl (3), Fieldfare (150+, flocks 35-75), Redpoll (5 over), Snipe (3)
Sparrowhawk (1), Song Thrush (5), Chiff Chaff (1).
-Laundry Lane.

Click for full monthly species list.

Click for Russel Wynn's sightings in October (Hants and IOW)

Wednesday 31st. E Mail report Chris M.
Firecrest (1), Short Eared Owl (3), Stonechat (7), Redwing (30+)-Laundry Lane to Brading

and from Mick,

Merlin (1F)-Whale Chine (catching Linnets.)

Tuesday 30th. E Mail report Chris M.
Hen Harrier (2)-Laundry Lane to Brading
Monday 29th. News of the "Montys". (E-Mail from Chris M.)
Montegue's Harrier (2, M&F),-Thorley
"..The male took off at about 6.30am and headed straight for Brighstone down, over the top and off.
The female left 2 mins later taking the same route, constantly flapping, gaining height.
I got better views of the male-could just about see the colour,
but the female was just a black shape climbing through the gloom."

Sunday 28th.Warm and Sunny.
100's of finches through (E), Goldfinch (c1000), Greenfinch, Linnet, also 500+ Wood Pigeon.
Wood Lark (1), Ring Ouzel (1), Fieldfare (25 Graham S.)
-Undercliff near Woody Bay
Short Eared Owl (2), Fieldfare (4?)-Laundry Lane

Report from Ventnor birders,

Montegue's Harrier (2, M&F),-Thorley
(Hope to have more news of these soon)

Saturday 27th.Warm with long Sunny Periods.
Dartford Warbler (1F), Swallow (2), Stock Dove (14)-Ventnor Downs
Short Eared Owl (2), Golden Plover (1 over), Hen Harrier (1F seen by Chris M.)-Laundry Lane
See the 2 pictures above (Taken today).

Friday 26th.Cloudy.
Merlin (1)-Ashey Down (Over hill S of E. Ashey Manor Farm)
Short Eared Owl (3), Snipe (4), Buzzard (1), Shoveler (7)-Laundry Lane (SEO's Seen by Chris M. after I left!)
1st-pale under wing, pale brown mottled back with prominent orange patchs on wings and white edge to tail and tip
2nd- like the one in your website
3rd- very dark brown and dark body feathers which prefered to hunt the rush bed area.
1 caught a Water Vole from a ditch.(Chris's E-Mail Report)

Thursday 25th.Cloudy.
Sparrowhawk (1)-Culver Down(not a Merlin as first thought.)
Short Eared Owl (1), Snipe (5), Buzzard (1), Sparrowhawk (1)-Laundry Lane

Short Eared Owl appeared at 17.45 chased by 3 Jackdaws, landed in Triangular field W of lane,
then flew over lane to the "Harrier" marshy field. Great Close Up views!

Wednesday 24th.Sunny intervals showers.
Merlin (1), Buzzard (1)-Shide to Blackwater FP
Yellowhammer (7), Stock Dove (4)-Marvel Lane, Blackwater

House Martin (c25), Swallow (c10)-Haylands Farm, Ryde

Tuesday 23rd.Sunny intervals heavy showers.
Peregrine Falcon (2), Sparrowhawk (2)-Culver Down
Lesser Black Backed Gull (4), Sanderling (c100), Ringed Plover (14), Dunlin (1)-Ryde Esplanade

Snipe (4), Lapwing (23,+78 on nearby field), Turnstone (4), Dunlin (20)
Ringed Plover (22), Reed Bunting (3), Wigeon (13)
-Werrar, Medina Estuary

Monday 22nd.Sunny intervals.
Black Redstart (2), Rock Pipit (4)-"La Falaise" car park, Ventnor
Sanderling (c150), Dunlin (1)-Ryde Esplanade

Sunday 21st. IWOG Walk, Misty start then sunny intervals.
Ring Ouzel (1), Stonechat (12+), Raven (2A, 1J), Redpoll (100+),
Siskin (50+), Goldfinch (1200), Skylark (12+),Redstart (1F), Black Redstart (1M, 1J),
Meadow Pipit (100+), Partridge (8 Grey -or Red Leg?), Hobby?(1)
-Culver Down
REPORTED by Kris G. also on-Culver Down
Snow Bunting (1West), Woodcock (1)

Stonechat (4), Buzzard (5)-Laundry Lane

Saturday 20th.Cloudy start then sunny intervals.
Stonechat (21), Whinchat (2), Redpoll (6+ over),
poss Merlin (1F), Buzzard (1)
-Laundry Lane
REPORT from Kris G.
Short Eared Owl (1 on ground).-Culver Down

Friday 19th.Cloudy, then heavy showers am, sunny intervals pm.
Goldcrest (6+), Raven (2), Chiff Chaff (2+), Blackcap (1M)-Alum Bay, Headon Warren
Shoveler (4, 2M&2F), Cetti's Warbler (1 in good voice),
Stonechat (2,M&F), Blackcap (2, M&F)
-Yarmouth Station Pond
Wheatear (1F on sea wall)-Seaview Toll Road (Very high tide, waves overtopping the wall.)

Thursday 18th.Cloudy start warm sunny by afternoon.
Red Breasted Merganser (8F), Great Crested Grebe (1), Knot (3),
Golden Plover (106), Grey Plover (100+),Shelduck (c50),
Brent Goose (c30), Barnacle Goose, (1 with 230 Canadas)
Bar Tailed Godwit (2), Black Tailed Godwit (3, rest hiding?), Dunlin (c200),
Turnstone (4), Kingfisher (2), Teal (50)
-Newtown NR
The little tree by Camerkin Lake, a favourite perch for Peregrine and Osprey has gone! (Grubbed out or blown down?)

Wednesday 17th. From 8.15 to 9.15 about 1000 birds went East, including;-
Meadow Pipit (400+), Linnet (150+), Swallow (100+), Goldfinch (50+), Pied Wagtail (15+), +Greenfinch and other small finches.

At sea, Common Scoter (3E), Gannet (1E), Brent Goose (1), Peregrine (1 carrying prey)-St Catherine's Pt.

Black Redstart (1M), poss. LAPLAND BUNTING (1M), chased by Sparrowhawk (1F)-by Knowles Farm

Skylark (4), Sparrowhawk (2), House Martin (2).-Gore Cliff

Tuesday 16th.
Mandarin (1F), Little Egret (1), Missle Thrush (1)-Carisbrooke Pond
RED BACKED SHRIKE (1Juv), Ring Ouzel (2), Wheatear (3), Stonechat (7), Blackcap (1)-West High Down, Totland
Spotted Redshank (1), Black Tailed Godwit (32), Stonechat (1F),
Swallow (1), House Martin (11), Pintail (1M)
-Yarmouth Ponds
Cetti's Warbler (2, 1 seen, 1 heard)-Freshwater Causeway
Shag (1), Meditteranean Gull (6+), Rock Pipit (2+)-Foreland

The Shrike (maybe the one seen at Brading?) was sitting on a gorse bush at 09.20,
nearby about 30 other birds were watching with much twittering!
Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Robin, Dunnocks and Yellow Hammers!
A Chaffinch flew at it -and it flew West. An amazing sight.

Monday 15th.No sign of Red Backed Shrike today.
Pintail (2M Adult and Juv), Shelduck (1J), Brent Geese (80)-Ryde Esplanade & Canoe Lake
Redstart (1F), Stonechat (4-6), Reed Bunting (2F), Swallow (c10), Cetti's Warbler (1 Heard)-Brading Marsh/ Laundry Lane
Raven (1), House Martin (10), Swallow (6)-Culver Down

Sunday 15th. Phone report.(Deb)
Snow Bunting (1)-Newtown NR

Fri/Sat 13/14th. E Mail reports (CM)
Twite (1),Brambling (1), Redpolls-Culver

Spoonbills (3 flying east along the ridge), Woodlark (1 over + redpolls, finch's, larks, pipits etc also brambling,)
300+ redwing, 3 ring ousel and 1 firecrest.
Russel Wyn- Richards Pipits? (2 over and a flock of bearded tits)
-West High Down

Red Backed Shrike (1J)-Brading Sewage Works
Snowbunting (1)-Newtown. NR

Tuesday 9th. E Mail reports (CM)
Grey Pharalope (2),-Sandown Canoe Lake

Merlin (1F) - hunting over fields by lane and sat on post by rush bed
Chiffchaff (18+) - around the sewage works
Swallow (200+) - feeding round the marsh
House Martin (15) - feeding round the marsh
Hobby (1) - catching insects over carpenters
Peregrine (1J) - hunting over the marsh
Short eared owl (1) - mobbed by crows on main marsh before dropping into cover
Redstart (1) - along the lane
Cetti's Warbler (1) - singing by metal bridge on lane
Meadow Pipits (90+) - in flocks on the marsh
Goldfinch (40+) - in flocks on the marsh
Linnets (15) - by sewage works
Kestrels (3)
Sparrowhawk (1F) - chasing small bird by lane.
-Laundry Lane

Monday 8th. E Mail reports
1. from Chris M.
Grey Pharalope (2),-Sandown Canoe Lake
2. from Graham S.
Siskin (173 over), Swallow ( 500+through), Merlin(1 fem/juv ), Chiffchaff (20+)-St. Lawrence
3. from Kris G.
Black Tern (1+1@St Helens Millpond), Common Tern (23)-Spring Vale, Seaview

Sunday 7th. E Mail reports (KG)
Balearic Shearwaters (6), Sooty Shearwaters (3), Manx Shearwater (1), Great Skua "Bonxie" (2)off Shanklin
Leach's Petrel (1), Arctic Skua (1)-Sandown Pier
Very Windy!

Saturday 6th. E Mail reports (CM)
Manx Shearwater (1), Balearic Shearwater (3), Sooty Shearwater ?(3 Probable), Firecrest (2)-St Catherines Point

Click for full monthly species list.

Sunday 30th.
Meadow Pipit (c50), Goldcrest (10+), Swallow (100+), House Martin (20+)-Ventnor Downs
Moorhen building nest! (+1Juv a few days old)--Shanklin Manor Pond (ambitious!)
Hobby (2), Kingfisher (1).--Bembridge Ponds

Saturday 29th. Culver with Kris G.
Siskin (c120), Meadow Pipit (c150), Goldfinch (300+),
Raven (1), Peregrine (1), Redwing (3?)
--Culver Down/Whitecliff Bay
Shoveler (1M, 2F), Buzzard(7), Black Tailed Godwit (20+)--Yarmouth Estuary
No sign of Avocet, Little Stint or Spotted Redshank -reported yesterday.

Friday 28th. no sign of Red Breasted Flycatcher
Siskin (c50), Pied Wagtail c(30), Yellow Wagtail (4+)--Castle Haven Lane, (near Reeth Bay, Niton)
Reported Red Breasted FC (1), Yellow Browed Warbler (1).--West High Down

Thursday 27th. Showery again.
Sanderling (84), Ringed Plover (30), Sandwich Tern (1)-Appley Beach, Ryde.
Pintail (1M), Tufted Duck (1F)-Canoe Lake, Ryde.

REPORT "Birdcall" Red Breasted Flycatcher (1)-Castle Haven Lane, (near Reeth Bay, Niton)

Wednesday 26th. Showery today
Sanderling (72), Ringed Plover (23), Sandwich Tern (2)-Appley Beach, Ryde.

E-Mail REPORT FROM Russell Wynn-(25/26th)
Richard's Pipit (1)-Seen and heard in flight briefly before departing high NE, Wryneck (1- also 1 on 6th),
Ring Ouzel (4), Merlin (1 fem/imm), Stonechat (9), Redstart (4), Garden Warbler (1), Chiffchaff (50),
Firecrest (1),Spotted Flycatcher (2), Siskin (40)
+ Hummingbird Hawk Moth (1)-West High Down/Needles

Tuesday 25th. Osprey eating a fish at Newtown@11.30
Osprey (1J), Knot (3), Dunlin (48), Snipe (1), Red Legged Partridge (2)-Newtown NR.
REPORTS from Mainland birders. Red Kite seen on Tue 18th-Brambles Chine
SIGHTINGS BOOK Dotterel(1) on 23rd-Newtown NR

REPORT "Ian" Wight Motors-on 2nd Sept Red Backed Shrike (1)-Gatcombe Church

Monday 24th. Another Little Stint? (or the one from Sandown?)
Lesser Whitethroat (1-2), Whitethroat (2), Wheatear (2), Blackcap (2+)-Culver Down
Little Stint (1J), Greenshank (6), Redshank (8), Kingfisher (1M)-Bembridge Harbour

Sunday 23rd.- Little Stint still at Sandown.
Siskin (1), Meadow Pipit (50+), Wheatear (3), Dartford Warbler (3+)
REPORTED: Ring Ouzel (1), Redstart (1)-Ventnor Downs (IWOG Walk)
REPORTED: Ring Ouzel (2)-Culver Down
Little Stint (1J), Dunlin (4), Wigeon (1), Wheatear (1)-Sandown "Boating Lake" - now dissused
Red Tailed Hawk/Buzzard (Hybrid), Yellow Wagtail (10+), Stonechat (1), Wheatear (1)-Laundry Lane

Saturday 22nd.- Little Stint still at Sandown. Click for Picture
Little Stint (1J), Dunlin (2), Teal (8), Wigeon (2), Grey Wagtail (1)-Sandown "Boating Lake" - now dissused
Ringed Plover (28), Lapwing (30+), Curlew (71), Reed Bunting (2), Water Rail (1 Heard).-Medina Estuary, Werrar.

Friday 21st.- Big Swallow movement East, approx 50 per minute.(3000 per hour!)
Cetti's Warbler (1H), Grey Wagtail (1). -Freshwater Causeway
Wheatear (5), Winchat (1), Stonechat (2), Dartford Warbler (1), Whitethroat (1)
Peregrine (2), Raven (2), Buzzard (1)
Redstart (2), Blackcap(1).
-West High Down, Totland
Cetti's Warbler (1H), Reed Warbler (3), Black Tailed Godwit (30+), Snipe (1), Stonechat (2), Buzzard (1)-Yarmouth Ponds
Chiff Chaff (10+), Whitethroat (1), Blackcap (1), Stonechat (1), Wheatear (1), Winchat (1)-Culver Down

E-Mail REPORT FROM Russell Wynn
Curlew Sandpiper(1J), Little Stint (1J), Garganey (1J)-Yarmouth Ponds/Esty
Ruff (1), Green Sandpiper (1-flew over), Little Egret (16), Buzzard (5) Little Stint (1J) Curlew Sandpiper (1J). -Newtown NR
Hobby (1W also on 6th,), Tree Pipit (8), Meadow Pipit (500+ E/SE), Yellow Wagtail (10), Siskin (110). -West High Down

Report from CM.

Stonechat (3), Lesser Whitethroat (2), Whitethroat (3), Blackcap (7+), Spotted flycatcher (5), Redstart (1), Buzzard (12!)
Sparrowhawk (1), Kestrel (4), Whinchat (2), Wheatear (9) Yellowhamer (1) and numerous Chiff Chaff, Linnet & Goldfinch.
-Laundry Lane

Thursday 20th.- 1 Brent goose, well it's a start!
Brent Goose (1), Sanderling (8). -Ryde Sands
Meditteranean Gull (65), Greenshank (6), Sandwich Tern (3), Kingfisher (1)-Bembridge Harbour/Ponds
Hobby (1), Little Owl (1J), Blackcap (1), Buzzard (7), Spotted Flycatcher (4),
Swallow (50+), House Martin (100+),
Redstart (2)
-Laundry Lane

Wednesday 19th.-Cloudy with NW wind! Osprey on ground next to Clamerkin Lake, flew off NE@16.30
Raven (1), Wheatear (6+). Goldfinch (c50)-Culver Down
Osprey (1J), Bar-Tailed Godwit (2), Black-Tailed Godwit ( 4 -one has 1 leg)
Little Egret (15), Meadow Pipit (5), Rock Pipit (2), Shelduck (1), Wigeon (c50), Pintail(1)
Sandwich Tern (1), Golden Plover (16), Common Sandpiper (1)
-Newtown NR
Vandals have damaged the East Hide-broken shelves etc. Kids!

Tuesday 18th.-Cloudy and cold north wind!
Sanderling (52), Ringed Plover (18).-Ryde Esplanade-(On beach at high tide)
Little Egret (15), Meditteranean Gull (3+), Sandwich Tern (1)-Bembridge Harbour
Dunlin (1Juv), House Martin (20+), Sand Martin (2)-Bembridge Ponds
Pintail (1 flew over), Buzzard (1), Snipe (1), Wigeon (3)
Chiff Chaff (4), Swallows & House Martins (50+)
-Laundry Lane

Weekend 15-16th.-E Mail Reports (CM, etc.)
Wryneck (1), Wheatear (100+), Yellow Wagtail (50+), Siskin (40 over)
+ Escaped falconers bird (prob. Saker?)
-Culver Down
Little Stint (1J-very tame)-Sandown boating lake
Peregrine (4)and Hobby (1)-Ventnor Downs
Last week Ravens(6),-Ventnor Downs,(Roost?)
Little Egret (16)-Bembridge Harbour, -The most seen there yet?
and Hney Buzzard- West HighDown, Totland -(Friday)

Weekend 8/9th.- E-Mail Report CM.
Crossbill (1), Wheatear (1), Dartford Warbler (2), -Ventnor Downs

An Osprey is still a regular visitor at Newtown NR and the first Golden Plover have returned.

Wheatear(7), Whinchat (5), Yellow Wagtail (1), Redstart (4),
Buzzard(2), Sparrowhawk (1), Cetti's Warbler(1Heard)
-Laundry Lane

Thursday 6th.-Birguides Reports.
Wryneck (1)-West High Down

Wednesday 5th.-Birguides Reports (and E-Mail Reports).
Melodiuos Warbler (1 by Dew Pond), Honey Buzzard (1), Hobby (1), Marsh Harrier (1)-Ventnor Downs


Monday 3rd. No Osprey today! (Drat)
Wigeon (1), Teal (3+), Winchat (3), Common SP (5), Knot (6), Canada Geese (205),
Barnacle Goose (1 moulting), Dunlin (10+), Redshank (20), Greenshank (1), Turnstone (8+),
Sandwich Tern (12), Common Tern (6+), Rock Pipit (1), Meadow Pipit (2)
-Newtown NR

Wheatear(5), Winchat (2), Blackcap (2), Whitethroat (3+)-Culver Down- What a contrast, almost no migrants today!

Sunday 2nd.V. Pale Buzzard with white patches on top of wings and pale below.
Buzzard (2), Winchat (2), +Linnets and Hirundines-Laundry Lane

Saturday 1st. Osprey seen 10am, 1pm and 3pm at Newtown!
Osprey (1)@ 10:00 Wigeon (19), Black Tailed Godwit (40), Knot (6), Canada Geese (109),
Common Sandpiper (2), Curlew (103), Winchat (2), Wheatear (1), Meadow Pipit (8+2Juv)
-Newtown NR
Redshank (4), Meditteranean Gull (50+), Sandwich Tern (21)-Bembridge Harbour
- 2 small waders flew from Causeway pond over the road to harbour. Showing a lot of white beneath and grey on top,
1 had a WHITE rump- a White Rumped SP perhaps?

REPORT from Chris M. Hobby (1high), Buzzard (3), Sparrowhawk (1M, 1F), Kestrel (1), Redstart (2), Wheatear (5)-Ventnor Downs
Osprey @1pm.(1prob. Juv.)- flew from Brickfields mobbed by terns, hunted creek behind the lagoon before circling high over estuary mouth.
Hobby (1)- flew east over the marsh, Spotted Flycatcher (2)- by hide Common Sandpiper (3), Greenshank (2), Redshank (1)
-Newtown NR
Click for full monthly species list.

Friday 31th.
Gannet (1A, 1Juv)-Ryde, off Esplanade, (Distant)
Knot (1), Common Sandpiper (5), Curlew (3), Teal (12)
Redshank (3), Greenshank (3) Kingfisher (1), Swallow (200+), House Martin (100+)
-Bembridge Harbour and Ponds
REPORT from Chris M. Marsh Harrier (1), Hobby (1)-Laundry Lane

Barnacle Geese (10 Adults + Juveniles),-Seaview Duver, "Salterns" Feral flock breeding there?

Thursday 30th.
Mandarin Duck (1F), Tufted (1F)-Carisbrooke Pond (Behind "8 Bells PH")

Water Rail (1 Heard), Sedge Warbler (1), Reed Warbler (2J), Lesser Whitethroat (1M-Lovely)
Reed Bunting (2M,2J-@Werrer), Winchat (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Curlew (39 on fields),
Kingfisher (1)
-Medina Estuary, (Dodnor to Pinkmead)

OSPREY (1)@ 15:50 Teal (8+), Black Tailed Godwit (20+)
Knot (5), Wigeon (5), Whimbrel (1), Curlew (100+)
-Newtown NR

REPORT from Chris M.@ Laundry Lane, Bembridge - Whinchat (6)- around the rush bed, Yellow Wagtail (16)- around cows by the lane, Redstart(1), Spotted Flycatcher(1),20+ Sand Martin(20+), Swallow(80+), 30+ House Martin(30+), 6 Buzzard - (4+2 together over marsh), Kestrel(1), Sparrowhawk(1).

Wednesday 29th.- Knot was so tame I got within 3 feet! (see picture above)
Knot (1), Common Sandpiper (1-2), Dunlin (1), Meditteranean Gull (6+), Wheatear(2), -Bembridge Harbour
- 4 more CSP at the ponds.
Guillemot (1 on the sea), Raven (1), Shag (1 on rock), Fulmar (3A at sea+1 juv on cliff),
-Gore Cliff, Blackgang (overlooking the Chine)

Tuesday 28th.
DOTTEREL(1F+1J)-2nd day @9am onwards, Wryneck (1) -Culver Down -Between Cliff and disused pit full of shrubs.
Yellow Wagtail (1), Wheatear(50+), Raven(3), Sedge Warbler (1), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Spotted FC etc.-Culver Down

REPORT from Kris G.@Culver - Wryneck (1), Dotterel (2), Spotted FC(18), Pied FC (2), Redstarts (8), Tree Pipits (3), 25 Yellow Wags (25 with the cattle), Blackcaps and Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Ravens (1 juv). Wheatears 60,
SZ636856 (Click for map from

Pintail (1) with Teal (15)-Newtown NR

Osprey @ 14:40 missed it by a minute! Teal (30+), Black Tailed Godwit (20+)
Willow Warbler (2), Redstart (1)
-Yarmouth Estuary

Monday 27th.
Marsh Harrier (1J) @ 08:35, Winchat (2), Dartford Warber (3Juv), Wheatear(5),
Willow Warbler (10+), Redstart (3)
-Ventnor Downs

DOTTEREL(1F+1J) -Culver Down -S Slope near cliff edge (use car park just beyond fort on RHS)
Marsh Harrier (1J) Reported @ 09:00, (Same One?)
Yellow Wagtail (2), Wheatear(70), Raven(2), Buzzard(2), Peregrine(1),
-Culver Down

Sunday 25th.-IWOG Walk to West High Down.
Pied Flycatcher(1), Redstart(2), Wheatear (10+), Winchat (1 Summer Plumage!), Swallow/Martins (250+) and 1 Swift.
Peregrine (1), +"Mystery" Warbler with interesting but unidentified song.
-West High Down, Alum Bay

Black Tailed Godwit (50+), Grey Plover (20+), Dunlin (20+), Ringed Plover (c10), Turnstone (6)
Rock Pipit(1), Meadow Pipit (2), Common Tern (3)
-Newtown NR
Wheatear (1), Winchat (1), Swallow (150+), House Martin (50+), Sand Martin (1)-Laundry Lane

REPORT from Kris G.
Hobby (2), Crossbill (4), Grasshopper Warbler (1), Reed Warblers(3), Willow Warblers (Lots), Tree Pipits(6), Yellow Wagtails(2), Wheatears (25), Whinchats (4), Spotted Flycatchers (8+), Redstarts (9+), Crossbills(4), Ravens (3), Buzzard (1), Peregrine(1)
-Ventnor Downs

(-Also Osprey yesterday @Quarr Tearooms)

Saturday 25th.
HOOPOE(1)100m E of "Longstone" Mottistone@10.00 -11.30am (field with old stone barn.)
Pied Flycatcher (2) , Spotted Flycatcher (50+), Buzzard(6), Kestrel (6), Sparrowhawk (2),
Wheatear(4), Redstart (1), Willow Warbler (c6), Yellowhammer (5F+Juv), Blackcap(1)
Whitethroat (4+), Garden Warbler (1), Linnet (12), Winchat (1)
around "Longstone" Mottistone

Razorbill (1A+1J)-Shanklin Bay -feeding amonst people swimming! -reported by CM.
Ringed Plover (1), Common Sandpiper (5), Little Egret (15), Meditteranean Gull (10+)-Bembridge Harbour & Ponds
Barn Owl (2), also Noctule Bat (1)-Brading Marsh @8.20pm

Friday 24th.- Ventnor Downs visit, migrants and Raptors.
Marsh Harrier @11.30 (1J), Wryneck (1), Buzzard (5), Sparrowhawk (2), Peregrine (1),
Kestrel (2), Raven (2), Wheatear(2), Redstart (c10), Lesser Whitethroat (1 possible) ,
Willow Warbler (c6), Bullfinch (1M), "Willow Chiffs" (10+)
Spotted Flycatcher (15+), Whitethroat (2), Linnet (2), Meadow Pipit (10+) & poss. Tree Pipit
Swallow (100's), House Martin (100's), Swift (50+),
Dartford Warbler (2+2Juv)
-Ventnor Downs, Nansen hill and above.

STOP PRESS; Hoopoe reported @5pm. near "Longstone" Mottistone-by Warden of Newtown NR.

Thursday 23rd.- Wow, migrants in every bush at 4pm!
Whinchat(1), Wheatear(6+), Redstart (3M, 1F+), Lesser Whitethroat (1 possible) , Willow Warbler (10+)
Spotted Flycatcher (6+), Whitethroat (2), Goldfinch (50+), Linnet (10+), Meadow Pipit (20+)
-Bembridge Down, SW of Fort
-one 2 foot fence strand had 2 Wheatear, 1 Redstart(F), 1 Spotted FC and a Willow Warbler all perched in a row!

Sunday 19th-Reports by E-Mail, (CM, KG, MS)
Common Tern (c700)-off Ryde
Green Sandpiper (1), Common Sandpiper (5 -one with injured foot), Little Egret (15)-Bembridge Ponds
Balearic Shearwater (4), Black Terns (2).-Seawatch at Shanklin Chine
Wryneck (1), Redstart (4) Pied Flycatcher (1) Wheatear(5).-Ventnor downs

Saturday 18th.-Reports by E-Mail, (CM, KG, MS)
Balearic Shearwater (17), Gannets(830), Arctic Skuas(3), Whimbrel(1).-Seawatch at Shanklin Chine
Swallows (500)-Sandown Boating Lake
Mediterranean Gulls (7J), Teal (5 past), Ravens (2 flew over).-Foreland
Whinchat(1), Wheatear(1), Lesser Whitethroat (1) , "Willow Chiffs"
Sparrowhawk (1), Kestrel(2), Buzzard(1), Hobby(1),
Sand Martin(30+), Swallows(30+)
-Laundry Lane

Friday 17th.-Reports by E-Mail, (CM, KG, MS)
Wheatear (1), Terns (80 -common + sandwich), Pied Wagtail (36- mostly juv.), Greenfinch (12)-Bembridge Duver
Ringed Plover (1), Oystercatcher (20) Greenshank (2), Little Egret(4) Curlew(1)
Gulls - common, Med. And Black headed (Numerous), Sparrowhawk (1F)
-Bembridge Harbour
Little Egret (6), Sand Martin (c350)-Embankment
Wednesday 15th.-Reports by E-Mail, (CM)
Balearic Shearwater (2), Kittwake (70), Arctic skua (1)-seawatch from Shanklin Chine
(large parties of terns and Gannets passing the bay)
also Crossbill at Havenstreet and unidentified Harrier at Rookley. (Tue 14th)

Thursday 3rd-Tuesday 7th.-Reports by E-Mail, (CM and KG)
Long Tailed Skua (1)-off Ryde Pier
Spotted Redshank (1)-Newtown NR
Balearic Shearwater (approx 20! total)-seen from Fort Victoria and Shanklin Chine

Click for full monthly species list.

Tuesday 17th.
Meditteranean Gull(1A), Sandwich Tern(2), Common Tern(2)-Ryde East Sands
Missle Thrush(1 Juv)-Moulting to Adult Plumage-Appley Park, Ryde

Monday 16th.-Wader numbers are increasing.
Redshank(78+1Juv), Black Tailed Godwit(11), Dunlin(8), Common Tern(6)
Ringed Plover(2), Greenshank(2), Cuckoo(1Juv-Brown), Kingfisher(1)

-Newtown Nature Reserve
Common Sandpiper(1), Lapwing(10Juv+), Little Egret(5)
Sand Martin(1), Shelduck(7 Juv)


Sunday 15th.-Kingfishers are returning after breeding on the mainland.
Kingfisher(1)-"Winkle St.", Calbourne
Dartford Warbler(5+), Turtle Dove(2? heard)-Brighstone Down
Little Tern(3), Hobby(1), Sand Martin(2), Teal(1)-Yarmouth Estuary

Friday 13th.-Unlucky for some!
Gannet(20+), Guillemot(4), Kittiwake-St Catherines Point
Common Sandpiper(2)-1 St Helen's Bridge, 1 Fishbourne beach
Meditteranean Gull(8)-Bem Ponds and Harbour

Thursday 12th.-PROBABLE R.F. Falcon? (Silver Grey above, prominent Red Legs) Submitted as Rarity
(DW saw it at Porchfield a little earlier same day.)
Red Footed Falcon(1M?), Peregrine(1+2Juv),
Dartford Warbler(1-2), Shag(4), Rock Pipit(4),

-West High Down(W of Tennyson Monument, Freshwater.)
Little Egret(1), Greenshank(2),
Meditteranean Gull(1), Shelduck(2 Juv)
-Bem "Lagoon" and Causeway Pond.
Little Egret(7)-St. Helens Bridge, pond.(Most yet!)

Wednesday 11th.
Peregrine(1), Kingfisher(1), Rock Pipit(1), Little Tern(1), Brent Goose(1)(injured)
Curlew(15), Redshank(20+1Juv), Black Tailed Godwit(1)
-Newtown Nature Reserve
REPORTED-Cory's Shearwater(1)-St Catherines Point (late afternoon)

Tuesday 10th.-About 7pm.
Sandwich Tern(5, 1 ringed), Common Tern(9+1Juv), Little Egret(1)-Ryde East Sands

Sunday 8th.
Raven-Culver Cliffs
Brent Goose(1)(injured), Curlew(15), Redshank(10+), Black Tailed Godwit(7)-Newtown Nature Reserve
Nightjar(4+), Buzzard(3), Yellowhammer(4+)-Mottistone Down, (W of Longstone)

Saturday 7th.-Spotted FC breeding in Ryde?
Spotted Flycatcher(2A feeding 1+ Juv)-Appley Park , Ryde
Meditteranean Gull(4), Curlew(19), Oystercatcher(2), Common Tern(2)-Ryde East Sands
Sand Martin(2)-Newchurch, Old Railway FP to Alverstone.

Friday 6th.-Good day for Egrets!
Little Egret(2), Greenshank(1), Shelduck(4+Juv)-Bem "Lagoon"
Little Egret(9)-6 at St. Helens Bridge, 3 at Quarr ponds (near sea).
Cetti's Warbler(1M+2Juv?)-Laundry Lane, heard the male, saw the other 2 in bushes.
Little Owl(2)-1 at Ashey Road Garage (on Roof), 1 at E end Bembridge Down.
Barn Owl(2)-1 at Brading Marsh, 1 at E end Bembridge Down.

22nd. -E Mail Report from Chris M. (Update!)
Raven (2A+3juv), Wheatear(2M+2juv),Gannet(2), Guillimot(40+)-(300+On Cliffs?),
Peregrine(1A+2, possibly 3 Juv)
-Tennyson Down & West High Down
The Peregrines were very active, juveniles showing hunting skills already-chasing Cormorants, Gulls, Kestrel.
REPORT (from JG), Golden Oriole(1F), Hobby(1)-Lynch Copse, Newchurch.
SE of Church- (Note; male Golden Oriole seen here earlier in month.)

Nightjar(5+), Long Eared Owls(2 Juveniles heard squeaking), Woodcock(1)-Parkhurst Forest, Mark's Corner.

Cetti's Warbler(1A with 3 Juveniles)-Bembridge Ponds(Opposite Xoron Houseboat)
Meditteranean Gulls(3+) -Foreland
Sedge Warbler(4), Buzzard(4), Kestrel(5).-Laundry Lane/Centurions Copse
REPORT Turtle Doves, 2 at -Adgestone Vineyard, 2 at -Newchurch

Barn Owl(1), Turtle Dove(1)-Yafford
Barn Owl(1)-Mottistone Down, 11.30am
Ringed Plover(3), Brent Goose(1-injured)-Newtown NR

Nightjar(1M seen+others heard)-Firestone Copse

12th.-West High Down open.
Guillemot(11) (on sea), Shag(1A, 1Juv),-West High Down
(A recent survey by boat revealed about 200 Guillemot breeding on the cliffs)
Cuckoo(2-3), Barn Owl(1), Lesser Whitethroat(1M)-Laundry Lane.

11th.-Culver Down open again
Lesser Black Backed Gull(1), Fulmar(4), Raven(1), Red Legged Partridge(1)-Culver Down.
Tree Creeper(2 Adult and 2 Juveniles)-Firestone Copse.
LBB Gull(2), Oystercatcher(6), Common Tern(1), Sandwich Tern(1)-Ryde East Sands

10th.-Ventnor Downs open at last!
Lesser Whitethroat(1M), Dartford Warbler(2+)-Ventnor Downs
Yellow Legged Gull(1), Teal(1M), Sand Martin(1)-Yarmouth Old Station Pond
Nightjar(2M,1F seen),(2+ heard)-Mottistone Down, From FP, W of "Longstone"

3rd-Black Kite, others earlier in week-(E Mail REPORT-CM)
Black Kite, Red Kite-Over Ventnor Downs
Golden Oriole-St Catherines Point

27-28th.-E Mail REPORT-CM
Marsh Warbler-Castle Haven Lane.(E of St Catherines Pt. to Reeth Bay)

Nightjar(1-2M)-Parkhurst Forest, 9pm(half mile S of Mark's Corner)
Garden Warbler(1)-Firestone Copse

20th.-Seawatch 8-11am
Manx Shearwater(2), Arctic Skua(1), Guillemot(3), Common Scoter(20)
Kittewake(1), Lesser Whitethroat(1M)
-St Catherines Pt.
Little Owl(1)@9pm-Staddlestones Garage, Ashey

Spotted Flycatcher(4)-Centurian's Copse, Brading Marsh
Common Sandpiper(1)-St Helen's Bridge
Winchat(1), Greylag Goose(1)-Laundry Lane

REPORT(CM)-BLACK KITE(1)-Brading Marsh 2pm
Hobby-Whitwell Village

Shelduck(2A+9Juv), Common Sandpiper(1)-"Lagoon" Bembridge
Cetti's Warbler(1)-Causeway Pond, Bembridge

Shag(3)-Hanover Pt "Pillar"
Nightingale(2)-Causeway Bridge, Newtown NR

Spotted Flycatcher(1)-Quarr Lane, Fishbourne
Nightingale(1)-Averstone to Newchurch FP

"Commic" Tern(700+), Black Tern(6), Pomarine Skua(1), Arctic Skua(2), Guillemot(1), -St Catherines Pt.

12th.-Very close to Hoopoe, but 2 hours late for the Osprey!
Hobby(3), Buzzard(4), Lesser Whitethroat(1)-Laundry Lane
REPORT-Hoopoe(1)@11.00.-Bottom of Culver (at Cattle Grid)
Little Gull(1J), Little Tern(2), Common Tern(15)
REPORTS- Osprey(1)@13.15, Spotted Flycatcher(1 yesterday?)
-Newtown NR

11th.(Commic=Common or Arctic Terns)
"Commic" Tern(400+), Arctic Skua(1), Guillemot(4), Bar Tailed Godwit(40)
Wheatear(2F), Yellow Wagtail(2), Whitethroat(2), Raven(2A+3J)
-St Catherines Pt.
Common Sandpiper(2), Sand Martin(1), Bar Tailed Godwit(1).-Yarmouth Station Pond
Little Tern(2+), Dunlin(12), Bar Tailed Godwit(3).-Newtown NR

Wheatear(2F), Whitethroat(4+)-St Helens Duver
Common Sandpiper(1), Cetti's Warbler(1), Shelduck(8)-Bembridge Ponds

6th.REPORTED by E-Mail(Chris M)
Hobby(3), Common Sandpiper(3), Winchat(3)-Laundry Lane

3rd.-REPORTED by E-Mail(Chris M)
Little Gull(1)-Yarmouth Station Pond
Little Tern(1)-Newtown NR

Great Skua-"Bonxie"(1) , Swallow(50+), Swift(7), Guillemot(1)-St. Catherine's Pt.
WINCHAT(1M),Cuckoo(2-3), Whimbrel(4)
Swift(2), Sand Martin(1), Swallow(4)
-Laundry Lane
BIRDNET-Wood Warbler-Yafford Fish Farm
Corn Bunting(2), Red Legged Partridge(2)-Whale Chine
Raven(2), Peregrine(1), Buzzard(1), Fulmar(6), Skylark, Swallow,
Sand Martin, House Martin, Stock Dove.
-Gore Cliff, Blackgang
Cuckoo(Heard), Nightingale(Glimpsed)-Causeway Newtown
Peregrine(2), Raven(1), Sparrowhawk(1), Meadow Pipit(10)-Headon Warren
Whimbrel(4), Whitethroat(3), Cetti's Warbler(2)-Laundry Lane
Common Tern(2), Sandwich Tern(2), Sanderling(18)-Ryde Sands
Cetti's Warbler(2), Whimbrel(4), Greenshank(3)
Swallow(10), House Martin(1), Sand Martin(1)
-Bembridge Ponds/Harbour
Common Sandpiper(1), Godwits, Bar Tail(3), Black Tail(7), Meditteranean Gulls(13)
Pair of Redshank
-seen mating.-Newtown NR
Great Skua-"Bonxie"(1), Arctic Skua(2), Manx Shearwater(2),Red Throated Diver(4),
Common Scoter(40), Gannet(50), Kittewake(10), Guillemot(4)
-St. Catherine's Pt.
REPORT-Goshawk(1)-Gore Cliff last few days(Esc.)
Whitethroat(1), Bullfinch(2), Barn Owl(1), Buzzard(3)-Dodnor cycle path
SWIFT(1), Swallow(38), House Martin(1), Sand Martin(2)-Yarmouth Old Station
Also: Reed Warbler(3), Cetti's(1), Teal(2)- Wigeon and Shoveler have now left.
Whimbrel(3)-Bembridge Harbour+(2 NNR)
Also: Sedge Warbler-Ponds
Great Northern Diver(1)-Seaview, Spring Vale
Black Tailed Godwit(38), Bar Tailed Godwit(5), Meditteranean Gull(14)- NNR
Also: Ruff, Nightingale, Whitethroat seen recently
Short Eared Owl(1), Cetti's Warbler(2)-Laundry Lane
Also: Green Sandpiper, Merlin, Yellow Wagtail, Cuckoo.
REPORT Redstart(M), Marsh Harrier(2F), Shorteared Owl, 1st Reed Warblers-Laundry Lane
Also:-14th-Garganey(M) at -Dodnor Pond, 15th?-'Falcated Teal' -Yarmouth Station Pond(ringed Escape).
REPORT Common Crane(1)-Laundry Lane
REPORT-(seen by NN).
Montegue's Harrier(1M)-Ventnor

Gannet(32), Scoter(12), Kittewake(2), Red Throated Diver(1)-St Catherines Point
Greenshank(7), Cetti's Warbler(1)-Bembridge, "Lagoon"
Peregrines(2)-seen passing food M to F-Shanklin, Knock Cliff(From Beach)
REPORT Redwing(3)-Laundry Lane
White Wagtail(1), Little Egret(6)-Yarmouth
Black Tailed Godwit(9 Summer Plumage), Grey Plover(31)-Newtown NR
Also-Dunlin(10), Turnstone(1), Great Crested Grebe(3), Red Breasted Merganser(3).
NOTE;-Viewed from lane and Causeway Bridge. (Reserve still closed)
Velvet Scoter(4), Common Scoter(200+), Red Throated Diver(2)-St. Catherines Point
BIRDNET-(10 Velvets reported.)
Also-Peregrine(1), Fulmar(6).
Marsh Harrier(F)-Laundry Lane
Note; Dark Brown, white face and shoulders, feathers missing in tail.
Pied Flycatcher(1M), Redstart(1M), Willow Warbler(2/3 heard)-St Catherine's Pt.(Lighthouse)
-also Swallow(9), Wheatear(10), Fulmar(4), Gannet(4).Black Redstart.
Slavonian Grebe(1), Great Northern Diver(2), Great Crested Grebe(6)-Puckpool
also, Shag!(1)-(unusual on N coast), Scoter(1), Red Breasted Merganser(6)
REPORT Osprey(1), Sand Martin(300+).-Yarmouth Estuary, Old Station

REPORT Red Kite-Gore Cliff 12.00
I was there earlier! only saw Raven(2), Peregrine(1), Fulmar(6).

Garganey(M,F), Swallow(2), Greylag(1), Barn Owl(2)-Laundry Lane
Also Willow Warbler, Marsh Harrier(F)
Slavonian Grebe(1), Sandwich Tern(2), Great Crested Grebe(1)-Puckpool
Yellowhammer(6), Buzzard(3), Linnet(28)-Marvel Lane, Newport
Buzzard(Pale underside), Turnstone(20)-Dodnor
Redwing(4), Great Spotted Woodpecker(3)-Alverstone NR

Swallow(1), Sandwich Tern(1), Great Crested Grebe(3)-Ryde East Sands
Also, Meditteranean Gull(3J)
Tree Creeper(1), Cetti's Warbler(Heard)-Laundry Lane
Red Throated Diver(3), Common Scoter(50+), Guillemot(1), Sandwich Tern(1)-Ventnor
REPORTED-Velvet Scoter(4)
Gadwall(2), Sand Martin(9), Water Rail(1 on path!)-Yarmouth Station Pond
Great Crested Grebe(3), Greenshank(1), Meditteranean Gull(1 Ringed RO-)
-Causeway Bridge Newtown
Purple Sandpiper(8), Shag(1)-Foreland
Cetti's Warbler(Glimpsed)-Bem Ponds, (Bem end of old Rly Line.)
Great Northern Diver(2), Great Crested Grebe(1)-Puckpool Seawatch
Barn Owl(2), Sand Martin(10),REPORTED- Merlin(1M),Swallow(1)-Laundry Lane

REPORTED-Firecrest(2), Marsh Harrier(1F)-St Helen's Bridge
Also, Swallow(1), Sand Martin(4+)-Brading Sewage Works
Common Scoter(50+)-St Catherines Point
Also, Gannet(10+), Peregrine(2), Wheatear(1), Stonechat(1), Kand Martin(4)
Sand Martin(25+)-Laundry Lane
Slso, Greylag(2), Peregrine(1), Lesser Black Backed Gull(1), Barn Owl(1)
REPORT Blackcap-Alverstone NR

BIRDGUIDES 21/3 Osprey (Bonchurch)
BIRDGUIDES 18/3 Ring Ouzel (Forelands) also Black Redstart, Wheatears(25), Ravens(2) and 30 Med Gulls(30).Sand Martin at Brading Marsh with 2 Cetti's Warblers, Hen Harrier (Roosts at approx 17.30)
REPORTED-Avocet(1), Sand Martin(40)-Sandown Boating Lake

Diver(pos Red Throated), Gannet(2), Fulmar(4), Rock Pipit(3)-Ventnor Seawatch-from "Bandstand"
Raven(2)-Ventnor (over botanic gardens)
Raven(1), Sparrowhawk(1F), Kestrel(2), Red Legged Partridge(2)-Atherfield Lanes, to Yafford
Raven(1), Peregrine.-Gore Cliff Blackgang
Redpoll(5), Siskin(16), Raven(1), -Alverstone Old Rly Path at junction of "Queens Bower" FP
feeding in tops of Alders by path.
Slavonian Grebe(1), Great Crested Grebe(2)-Puckpool Seawatch 4pm.
Barn Owl(2), Wigeon(c40), Snow Goose(1 feral)-Laundry Lane

Long Eared Owl-South side of Mersley Down, trees at rear of Horse field
Chiff Chaff(10), Grey Wagtail(1), -Brading Sewage Wks
Barn Owl (2-3), Short Eared Owl(1), Redwing(14),
Goldcrest(4),Meadow Pipit(30), Stonechat(3).
-Laundry Lane
Peregrine(2 seen Mating), Raven(2), Fulmar(8), Skylark(3)-Gore Cliff, Niton
-also Red Throated Diver, Guillemot, Scoter, Gannet(2)-St. Catherine's Point
Great Northern Diver(2), Great Crested Grebe(3)-Puckpool Seawatch
Meditteranean Gull(2)-NNR
-also Golden Plover(75), Knot(50), Pintail(6)
Corn Bunting(4)-Military Rd, Whale Chine
Meditteranean Gull(6)-Bembridge Harbour
-also Stonechat(2) ,Goldcrest(3)-Laundry Lane
Sanderling(165)-Appley Beach
Gadwall(M&F) still present-Yarmouth, Rofford Marsh,
-also Goldeneye(1F), Spotted Redshank(2), and Barn Owl at 3.30pm!-Mill Copse scape/estuary.
Lesser Black Backed Gull(2), Raven(2), Shag(1).-Culver cliffs
Later: Barn Owl(2) 2.30pm on, Short Eared Owl(1), Cetti's Warbler(2)-Laundry Lane
The Hen Harrier(M) is still about but wanders far and wide.
Slavonian Grebe(2)-with Great Northern Diver(2), and Great Crested Grebe(3)-Puckpool Seawatch 3pm.(3 Slavonian Grebes have been seen.)
Gadwall(M&F)-Yarmouth, Rofford Marsh,
-also Spotted Redshank, and Barn Owl at 2.30pm!-Mill Copse scape
Great Crested Grebe(1), Goldeneye (M,2F)-Yarmouth Estuary
Slavonian Grebe(1)-with Great Northern Diver(3), and Great Crested Grebe(8)-Puckpool Seawatch 2pm.(High Tide)
Chiff Chaff-10+ (20 have been seen) with Scandinavian and Siberian ssp.-Brading Sewage Wks
Hen Harrier(M)-Still present ,also 3 Barn Owls and 1 Short Eared Owl.-Laundry Lane
+Reports of Female Hen Harrier and Pink Footed Goose!
+Report of Bearded Tits at Freshwater Marsh
+Report of Wheatear seen already! and Waxwing - Cowes.(IWOG Secy. Garden!)
Hen Harrier(M)-Still present ,Laundry Lane, also up to 3 Barn Owls and 2 Short Eared Owls.
Greylag Geese(2)-Brading Marsh Wild or Feral?
Water Rail-Laundry Lane
Black Redstart(M)-Bembridge Harbour, there's a female by the Marina also.
Purple Sandpiper(4)-Foreland-see picture
Hen Harrier (M)-Still at Laundry Lane from 15.00 - also 2 Short Eared Owls.
Red Throated Diver(4)-Ventnor "seawatch" all flying East (am)
Hen Harrier (M)-NNR 10.10am then at Laundry Lane from 15.30-if the same one.
Little Gull-REPORTED Bembridge Harbour, (CM 01/01)
also, Common Scoter(50)-sea off Puckpool, Scaup(J)-Ryde Canoe Lake.
Spotted Redshank(2-3)-NNR, Causeway Bridge.

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