Goto Latest Sightings Page

My Pictures of IOW birds in 2008.

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Black-throated Diver (1st.w)
Yarmouth, 31st Dec.
Black Redstart (F/ imm.)
Seaview Beach, 8th Jan.
Rock Pipit, 8th Jan.
Springvale Seawall
Redshank, 9th Jan.
Springvale Beach
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Binstead Garden, 12th Jan.
Firecrest (4 views)
West High Down, 21st Jan.
Brambling (M)
Calbourne, 22nd Jan.
Blackwater, 27th Jan.
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Bullfinch (M)
Pinkmead, 30th Jan.
Greenshank & Redshank
Bembridge Ponds, 2nd Feb.
Mediterranean Gull
Seaview, 6th. Feb.
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 20th Feb.
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Muscovy (Esc.)
Yarmouth, 20th Feb.
Nuthatch (Nest Hole)
Binstead, 23rd Feb.
Binstead, 23rd Feb.
Black Redstart (F)
Springvale, 24th Feb.
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MARCH 2008

Kestrel (M)
Ventnor Esp. 25th Feb.
Purple Sandpipers
Ventnor Esp. 25th Feb.
Brading, 1st. March
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 3rd March
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Brambling (F)
Culver Down, 4th March
Blackwater, 5th March
Blackwater, 5th March
Green Sandpiper
St.Lawrence, 7th March
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Binstead, 7th March
Wheatear (M)
Culver Down,15th March
Black-tailed Godwits
Yarmouth, 19th March
Great-crested Grebe
Bemb. Ponds, 22nd March
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Swallow & Sand Martins
BradingS.Wks. 23rd. March
Redpoll (M)
Alverstone, 24th March
Willow Warbler (M)
Brading, 27th March
Yarmouth Ponds, 7th April
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APRIL 2008

Yarmouth Ponds, 7th April
Blackcap (M)
Sandown G.C, 10th April
Siskins, 14th April
Binstead Garden
Avocet, 17th April
On Scrape, Newtown NR
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Garganey (M&F)
Newtown NR, 19th April
Kestrel (M)
Yarmouth, 20th April
Short-eared Owl
Brading Marsh, 22nd April
Stonechat (M)
nr. Alum Bay, 26th April
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MAY 2008

W.High Down, 10th May
Dartford Warbler (M)
W.High Down, 10th May
Swallow (M)
Thorness Bay, 11th May
Red-legged Partridges
St.Catherine's Pt, 12th May
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Yellowhammer (M)
Brighstone Down,14th May
Barn Owl
Brading Marsh, 17th May
Common Gull (1st.s)
Sandown C.La. 30th May
Barn Owl
Brading Marsh, 2nd June
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JUNE 2008

Dartford Warbler (M)
Brighstone Down, 5th June
Hobby (3 views)
Bembridge Marsh, 6th June
Magpie (Juvs)
Werrar, 6th June
Sedge Warbler (M)
Brading Marsh, 11th. June
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Reed Warbler (M)
Sandown C.La, 12th June
Barn Owl with Rat?
Brading Marsh, 14th June
Shoveler (M)
Sandown C.La. 14th June
Long-tailed Tit (Juv)
Binstead, 21st. June
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JULY 2008

Whitethroat (Juv)
St.Catherine's Pt. 30th June
Common Tern
Newtown NR, 3rd July
Culver Down, 4th July
Gannet in Solent
Yarmouth, 5th July
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Green Woodpecker (Juv.)
Luccombe Down, 21st. July
Lesser Whitethroat
Thorness Bay, 23rd. July
Peregrine (Juv)
W. High Down, 24th. July
Long-eared Owl
St. Helens Duver, 30th July
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Common Sandpiper
Newtown NR, 1st Aug.
Wheatear (F)
Culver Down, 4th Aug.
Blackcap (F/Juv)
Shide FP, 6th Aug.
Swallow (Juv), 7th Aug.
Quay Lane, Brading.
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Long-eared Owl (A)
St. Helens Duver, 7th Aug.
Long-eared Owl (B)
St. Helens Duver, 7th Aug.
Gore Cliff, 9th Aug.
Kestrel (M)
Hersey NR, 18th Aug.
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Sedge Warbler
Sandown C.La, 23rd. Aug.
Spotted Flycatcher
Brading Sewage Wks. 23/8
Wheatear (Juv)
Newtown NR, 30th Aug.
Common Tern
Lane End, 8th Sept.
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Brading Marsh,12th Sept.
W. High Down,13th Sept.
Stonechat (F), 28th Sept.
St.Catherine's Pt.
Whooper Swans
Newtown NR, 4th Oct.
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OCT/NOV 2008

Whooper Swans
Newtown NR, 4th Oct.
Yarmouth, 9th Oct.
Kestrel (F)
Culver Down, 4th Nov.
Black Redstart, 5th Nov.
Needles, Rocket Site.
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Marks Corner, 21st Nov.
Marks Corner, 21st Nov.
Stonechat (M)
WheelersBay, 24th Nov.
Wheelers Bay, 29th. Nov.
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Fieldfare & Redwings
Brading Marsh, 1st Dec.
"Xmas" Robin
Brading S.Wks. 11th Dec.
Water Pipit, Monks Bay
Bonchurch, 6th Jan.
Wigeon (M&F)
Yarmouth, 24th Jan.
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