Goto Latest Sightings Page

My Pictures of IOW birds (from Video & Still Cameras)

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Nuthatch (Quarr Road)
Binstead, 1st Jan.2007
Bar Tailed Godwit
Ryde Esp, 2nd Jan.
White Fronted Geese, 3/1
(Ad & 1st.w) Laundry Lane,
Bean Geese
Laundry Lane, 21st Jan.
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Bean Geese
Brading Marsh, 31st Jan.
Heron (Dark Juv.-stained?)
Brading Marsh, 31st Jan.
Scarlet Headed Blackbird
Dodnor Pond, 7th Feb.
Bean Geese, Take-off !
Laundry Lane, 11th Feb.
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House Sparrow (M)
Garden, Ryde, 16th Feb.
Pied Wagtail (Ringed F)
Lane End, 19th Feb.
Slavonian Grebes (Ad&Juv)
Seaview, 20th Feb.
Slavonian Grebe (Juv)
Seaview, 20th Feb.
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MARCH 2007

Binstead, 2nd March
Wheatear (F)
Culver Down, 7th March
Wheatear (F)-again
Culver Down, 8th March
Blue Tit
Alverstone NR, 18th March
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Great Tit
Alverstone NR, 18th March
Gadwall (M), 24th March
Sandown Canoe Lake
Tufted (14m,3f), 24/3
Sandown Canoe Lake
Rook, 24th March
Sandown Canoe Lake
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Culver Down, 26th March
White Wagtail (Ssp.)
Rofford Marsh, 26th March
Ruff (F)
Rofford Marsh, 26th March
Ruff (F)
Rofford Marsh, 27th March
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APRIL 2007

Rofford Marsh, 27th March
Little Ringed Plovers
Rofford Marsh, 3rd April
Little Ringed Plover
Rofford Marsh, 3rd April
Meadow Pipit
Headon Warren, 6th April
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Gore Cliff, 7th April
Tufted Ducks, 11th April
Sandown Canoe Lake
Wheatear (M), 12th April
St. Catherine's Pt.
Dartford Warbler (M)
Headon Warren14th April
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Common Redstart (M)
Alum Bay, 14th April
Common Redstart (M)
Alum Bay, 14th April
Mistle Thrush (Juv)
Newchurch, 18th April
Newchurch, 18th April
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Blackbird (F)
Lake Cliffs, 20th April
Common Tern
Yarmouth, 26th April
Whinchat (M), 27th April
St. Catherine's Pt.
Little Egret
Hersey NR, 27th April
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Stonechats (pair)
West High Down, 28th April
Dartford Warbler (M)
West High Down, 28th April
Grey Wagtails (M & Juv)
Shide, 5th May
Lake Cliffs, 12th May
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MAY 2007

Robin (Juv)
Shide, 20th May
Gore Cliff, 22nd May
Wheatear (F)
Gore Cliff, 22nd May
Gore Cliff, 29th May
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JUNE 2007

Peregrine (from 10m!)
West High Down, 4th June
Brading Marsh, 5th June
Garganey (M)
Yarmouth Ponds, 6th June
Red Backed Shrike (M)
Bembridge, 18th June
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge CLICK FOR-Common, Azure, Blue Tailed, Large Red

JULY 2007

Red Backed Shrike (M)
Bembridge, 18th June
Meadow Mipit
Newtown NR, 5th July
Gore Cliff, 8th July
Little Egrets
Hersey NR, 10th July
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Song Thrush
Appley Park, 16th July
Linnet (F)
Hersey NR, 17th July
Osprey (M)
Newtown NR, 21st July
Osprey (M)
Newtown NR, 21st July
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Little Owl
Blackwater, 27th July
Willow Warbler
Yarmouth, 28th July
Red-footed Falcon (M)
Bembridge Airport, 29th July
Kingfisher (M)
Hersey NR, 3rd August
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Yellow Hammer (M)
Bembridge Down, 5/8
Newtown NR, 7th August
Redstart (M), 9th August
Luccombe Down
Meadow Pipit
Newtown NR, 10/8
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Black-tailed Godwits
Yarmouth, 16th August
Werrar,17th August
Culver Down, 25th August
Yellow Wagtail (M)
Culver Down, 25th August
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Pied Flycatcher
Needles, 25th August
Needles, 25th August
Yarmouth, 30th August
Sedge Warbler, 1st Sept.
Sandown Canoe Lake
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Tree Pipit
Shanklin Down, 3rd Sept.
Dunlin (Juv)
Hersey NR, 12th Sept.
Curlew Sandpipers
Yarmouth,18th Sept
Hands Up
all Curlew Sandpipers !
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C. Terns & Sanderling
Ryde Esp. 22nd Sept.
Little Owl
Blackwater, 24th Sept.
Bar-tailed Godwit
HNR, 24th Sept.
LuccombeDown, 29th Sept.
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Ring Ouzel, 30th Sept.
West High Down
Stonechat (M)
Culver Down, 8th Oct.
Rock Pipit, 16th Oct.
Seaview Seawall
Wheatear, 16th Oct.
Seaview Seawall
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Bar-headed Goose
Ryde Canoe La. 22nd Oct.
Brent Geese
Newtown NR, 31st Oct.
Gadwall (M)
Sandown C. Lake, 5th Nov.
Herring Gull (Juv)
Sandown C. Lake, 5th Nov.
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Mediterranean Gull
Seaview Beach, 8th Nov.
Kestrel (M)
Hersey NR, 8th Nov.
Newtown NR, 10th Nov.
Hersey NR, 14th Nov.
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Little Grebe
Hersey NR, 24th Nov.
Redshank (Juv)
Yarmouth, 3rd Dec.
Fort Victoria, 3rd Dec.
3 Species of Wader
Ryde Sands, 7th Dec.
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Brambling (M)
Culver Down,11th Dec.
Stonechat (F)
Culver Down,11th Dec.
Marsh Harrier (F)
Laundry Lane, 23rd Dec.
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 31st Dec.
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