IOW Bird Pictures 2023

My Pictures of IOW birds this year

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JAN-FEB 2023

Yarmouth, 11th. Jan.
Stonechat (M)
Laundry Lane, 23rd. Jan.
Hersey Beach, 2nd. Feb
Lake Cliffs, 6th. Feb
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Cattle Egret
Laundry Lane, 8th. Feb.
Great Egret
Laundry Lane,11th, Feb.
Laundry Lane, 12th. Feb.
Bathingbourne,15th. Feb
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"White" Wagtail
Stag Lane, 19th Feb.
Yarmouth, 3rd. March
Little-ringed Plover
Laundry Lane, 24th. March
Raven (Close up)
W.Highdown, 25th. March
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Shoveler (M)
Laundry Lane, 26th. March
Causeway Lake, 8th. April
Little-ringed Plover
Laundry Lane12th. April
Laundry Lane12th. April
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Rofford Marsh,15th. April
Black-winged Stilt
Laundry Lane,16th, April
Brading,17th. April
R. Medina, 25th. April
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Ring Ouzel (M)
Brading Marsh, 25th. April
Sedge Warbler, 29th. April
Sandown Canoe Lake
YellowWagtail (M)
Laundry Lane,1st.May
St.Catherine's Pt.4th. May
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Laundry Lane,19th. May
Garganey (M)
Laundry Lane, 20th. May
Avocet (1 of 2 on Scrape)
Yarmouth, 5th. June
Mandarin (M)
St.Marys Pond, 8th. June
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Cuckoo (M)
Laundry Lane,12th,June
Great-crested Grebe (Juv)
St.Helens Br.1st. July
Skylark (M)
Culver, 5th. July
Laundry Lane, 8th. July
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Bullfinch (M)
HaddonsPits, 25th July
Wheatear (F)
Luccombe Down, 26th. July
Cattle Egrets
Laundry Lane, 28th. July
Laundry Lane, 1st. Aug.
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AUG-OCT 2023

Spotted Flycatcher
HaddonsPits, 4th. Aug.
Dartford Warbler (M)
Mottistone Dn. 6th. Aug.
Garden Warbler
Culver, 10th. Aug.
Cattle Egrets
Laundry Lane, 12th. Aug
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Black Redstart
Redcliff, 25th. Aug.
Redstart (M)
Redcliff, 25th. Aug.
Spotted Flycatcher
Redcliff, 30th. Aug.
Yellow Wagtail
Redcliff, 8th. Sept
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Marsh Warbler (juv)
Brook Chine, 30th. Sept.
Ring Ouzel (M)
Culver, 9th. Oct.
Laundry Lane,19th. Oct.
Black Redstart (M)
Culver Down, 24th. Oct.
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Laundry Lane, 20th. Nov.
Purple Sandpiper
E.Cowes Esp.1st. Dec
Snow Bunting
Yarmouth Mill, 2nd. Dec.
Cowes College, 3rd. Dec.
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Red-necked Grebe
Bembridge Harbr, 13/12
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