IOW Bird Pictures 2020

My Pictures of IOW birds this year

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JAN - MARCH 2020

Purple Sandpiper
E. Cowes, 3rd. Jan
Red-breasted Merganser
Newtown NR12th Jan.
Sanderling (Imm.)
Springvale15th Jan.
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth 3rd. Feb.
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Common Gull
E. Cowes, 19th Feb.
Gadwall (M)
Laundry Lane, 17th. March
Cettis Warbler
Laundry Lane,18th. March.
Curlew & Whimbrel
Foreland, 19th. March
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APRIL - MAY 2020

Little-ringed Plover
Laundry Lane, 1st. April
Black Redstart (F/imm)
Culver 8th. April
Savi's Warbler
Bembridge FP, 22nd April
Pochard (M)
Bemb Ponds, 6th. May
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Newtown N.R. 13th. May
Great White Egret
Laundry Lane, 17th. May
Great-crested Grebe
St. Helens Bridge, 23rd May
Reed Warbler, 30th. May
Bembridge Ponds
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JUNE - JULY 2020

Little-ringed Plover
New Bridge Pond, 18th. June
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 24th. June
West Highdown, 7th. July
Rose-coloured Starling
Ryde Esplanade, 23rd. July
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Green Woodpecker (Juv)
Mottistone Down, 29th. July
Yellow Wagtail (M)
Newtown NR, 31st. July
Newtown NR, 31st. July
Bembridge Down, 8th. Aug.
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Kestrel (F)
St. Catherine's Pt. 9th. Aug
Spotted Flycatcher
Mottistone Down,10th. Aug.
Kingfisher (F), 16th. Aug.
Bembridge Lagoon
Niton Undercliff, 21st. Aug.
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Newtown NR, 22nd. Aug.
Niton Undercliff, 22nd. Aug.
Common Sandpiper
Bembridge Ponds, 1st. Sept.
Laundry Lane, 3rd. Sept.
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TurtleDove (M)
Garlic Farm, From 2nd. July
Glossy Ibis
Sandown Levels, 22nd. Oct.
Black Redstart
Culver Haven, 3rd. Nov.
Glossy Ibis
Brading Marsh10th. Nov.
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Purple Sandpiper
E. Cowes, 19th. Nov.
Whooper Swans (Ad & Juv)
Atherfield Pt. 22nd. Nov.
Dartford Warbler
Mottistone Down, 29th. Nov.
Ring-necked Duck (F)
"The Lakes",Rookley.14th. Dec
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