Goto Latest Sightings Page

My Pictures of IOW birds this year

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Snipe (8)
Hersey NR, 18th. December
Shag (Juv)
Egypt Point, 23rd. December
Black Redstart (F)
Wheeler's Bay, 4th. January
Black Redstart (M)
Wheeler's Bay, 4th. January
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Rock Pipit
Foreland, 5th. January
Blackcap (F)
Wheelers Bay, 13th. January
Roud 25th. January
Dartford Warbler (F)
West Highdown 28th. January
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Greater Yellowlegs
Pinkmead, 31st. January
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Old Argos Roof, 4th. February
Blackcap (F)
Wheelers Bay, 12th. February
Kestrel (F)
Wheeler's Bay, 19th February
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Brading 22nd. February
Great-crested Grebe (Imm)
Ryde Canoe Lake, 25th. February
Shide-Blackwater FP, 7th. March
Lesser Redpoll (F)
Shide-Blackwater FP, 7th. March
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Firecrest (F)
Werrar, Medina Valley, 8th. March
Common Crane, 11th. March
Mill Farm, Bembridge RSPB,
Common Crane, 11th. March
Mill Farm, Bembridge RSPB,
Culver Down, 17th. March
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Wheatear (M)
Culver Down, 21st. March
Raven (close-up)
West Highdown 25th. March
Little Ringed Plover
New Bridge Ponds, 31st. March
Little Ringed Plover
New Bridge Ponds, 31st. March
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APRIL 2016

Shoveler (M)
Laundry Lane, 1st. April
RingOuzel (M)
Redcliff, Culver 3rd. April
Cetti's Warbler
Laundry Lane, 4th. April
West Highdown, 5th. April
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Shide FP, 7th. April
Swallow (M)
Shalfleet Quay, 17th. April
Great-spotted Woodpecker (M)
Langbridge FP, 18th. April
Alverstone NR. 20th. April
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Blackcap (M)
Laundry Lane, 23rd. April
Spotted Flycatcher
Redcliff, Culver 30th. April
Clamerkin Inlet, 3rd. May
GardenWarbler (M)
Mottistone Down, 4th. May
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MAY- JUNE 2016

Lesser Whitethroat (M)
Laundry Lane, 8th. May
Kestrel (F)
Bembridge Down, 10th. May
Garganey (M)
New Bridge Ponds12th. May
Goldeneye (F)
Puckers Copse Pond12th. May
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Whitethroat (M)
Laundry Lane, 19th. May
Kestrel (M)
Needles CG Lookout, 23rd. May
New Bridge Ponds, 2nd. June
New Bridge Ponds, 2nd. June
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Guillemot Ledge
Main Bench, 5th. June
Ringed Plover
Thorness Bay, 21st. June
Little Owl (Juv)
Newtown NR, 21st. June
Turtle Dove (M)
An E. Wight Location, 27th. June
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JULY 2016

Stonechat (M)
Culver Down, 3rd. July
Wheatear (Juv)
Culver Down, 13th. July
Mediterranean Gull (Ad & Juv)
Newtown Scrape, 13th. July
Redstart (Juv)
Shanklin Down15th. July
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Little-ringed Plover (juv)
"New Bridge" Ponds17th. July
Wood Sandpiper
New Bridge Ponds, 24th. July
Common Sandpiper
Hersey NR, 29th. July
Yellow-legged Gull
Bembridge Harbour, 1st. August
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Wheatear (F)
Luccombe Down, 5th. August
Newtown NR. 8th. August
Spotted Flycatcher
Gander Down (E),10th. August
Sedge Warbler
Rofford Marsh, 12th. August
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Kestrel (F)
Redcliff, Culver. 18th. August
Nansen Hill 24th. August
Clamerkin, Newtown. 27th. August
Newtown NR. 29th. August
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Redcliff Pit, 1st. September
Red-backed Shrike (Juv)
Culver, (N. slope),1st. September
Pectoral Sandpiper (Juv)
New Bridge Ponds, 9th. September
Grey Wagtail (M)
Ventnor Park, 6th. October
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Golden Plovers
Newtown NR 8th. October
St.Catherines Pt. 11th. October
White-fronted Goose
Laundry Lane, 20th. October
White-fronted Geese
Laundry Lane, 20th. October
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NOV / DEC 2016

Greylag Geese
Bembridge Airport FP, 20th. October
Kestrel (M)
Blackgang V.Pt. 1st. November
Red-breasted Merganser (M)
Newtown NR, 20th. November
Purple Sandpiper
Foreland, 9th. December
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