ISLE OF WIGHT (IOW) Bird Pictures
Goto Latest Sightings Page

My Pictures of IOW birds (from Video & Still Cameras)

Birds from 2004

Hersey NR, 2nd Dec.
Lapland Bunting (Juv)
Whale Chine, 16th Nov.
Little Egret & Fish,
Hersey NR, 16th Nov.
Black Redstart (F)
Needles Battery, 9th Oct.
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Red-Necked Grebe
Seaview, 30th Nov.
Puckpool, 10th Oct.
Seaview, 30th Nov.
Culver, 31st Oct.
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Quail, 2nd Sept.
Churchills Farm,
Red Backed Shrike(1juv)
Newtown NR, 3rd Sept.
Kingfisher (F)
Hersey NR, 3rd Sept
Newtown NR, 1st Sept
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Rose Coloured Starling (Juv)
Sandown Esp, 14th Sept
Wheatear + Blackberry
Luccombe Down, 12th Sept
Arctic Skua (juv)
Foreland, 22nd Sept
Pied Flycatcher (juv?)
Nansen Hill, 10th Aug
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Dotterel (juv) A
Ventnor Downs, 25th Aug.
Dotterel (juv) B
Ventnor Downs, 25th Aug.
Black Tern
RydePier, 19th Aug
Roseate Tern
RydePier, 19th Aug
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Newtown NR, 2nd Aug.
Ventnor Downs, 14th Aug.
Spotted Flycatcher
Culver Do. 16th Aug
Redstart (F)
Nansen Hill, 28th Aug
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Green Sandpipers
Hersey NR, 10th Aug
Cuckoo (J), 16th Aug.
Culver Down,
Hersey NR, 18th July
Little R. Plover
Yarmouth, 31st July
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"Freak" Oystercatcher
Bem.Harbour, 2nd July.
Common Sandpiper
Hersey NR, 2nd July.
Little Gull A(1st S)
Sandown C. La. 24/6
Little Gull B(1st S)
Sandown C. La. 24/6
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Hen Harrier (F)
Laundry Lane, 3rd May
Turtle Dove (M)
Brighstone Do.16th June.
Garden Warbler (M)
Shide/BkWtr, 15th June.
Spotted F.C.
Appley Park13th June
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Nightingale(M) 30th May
Dickson's Copse.
Little Tern
Sandown, 4th May.
Spotted Redshank
Bem. Ponds, 17th Apr.
Lesser Whitethoat (M)
Culver Down, 7th May
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Redstart (M)
WHD, 11th Apr.
Garden Warbler (M)
Shide/BkWtr, 6th May.
Little Gull, 12th Apr.
Sandown Canoe Lake
Kingfisher (F)
Bemb. Ponds, 9th Mar.
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Little Owl, Deacons La,
Ashey, 6th Mar.
Whooper Swan
Newtown NR, 13th Mar.
Quarr, 11th Mar.
Barnacle Geese
Nettlestone, 9th Mar
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Redpoll, Alverstone
3rd Mar.
Stonechat (M)
St.Caths Pt, 16th Mar.
Wheatear (M), 16th Mar.
St Catherines Pt,
Black Tailed Godwit
Dodnor, 16th Feb
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Barn Owl/Buzzard attack
Laundry Lane, 10th Feb.
GoreCliff, 13th Feb
Bk.Redstart (M)
St Helens Br, 18th Feb.
Wren (M)
WhaleChine, 13th Feb
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Mediterranean Gull,
12th Feb. Seaview
House Martin (!)
Foreland, 10th Feb.
Water Pipit
Brading, 29th Jan
Gadwall (M)
27th Jan. Yarmouth
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Firecrest (M), 11th Jan
Newtown NR
Spotted Redshank
Cassy Bridge, 17th Jan.
Goldeneye (M)
Newtown NR, 16th Jan
Red Th. Divers
BrookBay, 18th Jan
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Green Winged Teal (M)
St Helens Br, 27th Apr
Bk.Redstart (M)
St Helens Br, 18th Jan.
GoreCliff, 14th Jan.
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Birds from 2003

Bluethroat (M), Werrar
20th Nov. 2003
Spotted Flycatcher
Mottistone, 12th Aug
Bar-Tailed Godwit
Ryde Esp, 8th Sept
Stonechat (F), 19th Sept
St Catherine's Pt.
16 L. Egret & Heron
Quarr Pond,15th Sept
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Little Owl
Appley Park, 8th July
West High Do, 9th July
Marsh Harrier-4 views
Mottistone, 12th Aug
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 12th Aug
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Winchat (f?)
BradingMarsh, 24th June
Wheatear (Juv)
Freshwater, 24th June
Green WP (Juv)
Shide-BkWtr FP, 23rd June
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 15th April
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Parkhurst Forest, 22nd June
BarnOwl & Vole
Shide, 26th June
Spotted Flycatchers
Appley Park, Ryde, 22nd June
Newtown NR, 17th April
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Peregrine take-off!
WHD, 19th March
WHD, 19th March
Wheatear (M)-ringed!
WHD, 19th March
Brent Goose-odd neck ring
Bemb. Harb, 19th March
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Bk Necked Grebe
Puckpool 26th Jan
Blackcap (M)
Ryde Garden, 16th Feb
Raven and twig
Gore Cliff, 30th Jan
Blackcap (M)
Ryde Garden, 25th Jan
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Spotted Flycatcher (Juv)
Appley Park, Ryde, 9th Aug
Pied Flycatcher (juv)
Appley Park, Ryde, 9th Aug
Common Sandpiper
Bembridge Ponds, 8th July
Wheatear (F)
Culver Down, 18th Aug
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Osprey and Fish
Newtown, 9th Sept
Bar-Tailed Godwit
Ryde Esp, 8th Sept
Stonechat (F), 19th Sept
St Catherine's Pt.
Pinkfoot Goose
Foreland, Bembridge 20th Oct.
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Winchat (f?)
BradingMarsh, 24th June
Wheatear (Juv)
Freshwater, 24th June
Green WP (Juv)
Shide-BkWtr FP, 23rd June
Spotted Redshank
Yarmouth, 15th April
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Parkhurst Forest, 22nd June
BarnOwl & Vole
Shide, 26th June
Spotted Flycatchers
Appley Park, Ryde, 22nd June
Newtown NR, 17th April
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StoneCurlew (A)
L. Atherfield, 17th May
StoneCurlew (B)
L. Atherfield, 17th May
StoneCurlew (C)
L. Atherfield, 17th May
Nightingale (M)
CasseyBr, 23rd April
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Black-tailed Godwit
Dodnor, 20th March
Little Owl
Gore Cliff, 21st March
Brading, 23rd March
Short-eared Owl
Brading, 17th March
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Hen Harrier (F)
Laundry Lane17th Feb
Gore Cliff, 25th Feb
White-fronted Goose,
Laundry Lane, 17th Feb
Slavonian Grebe
Puckpool Pt. 17th Feb
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Short-eared Owl
Brading Marsh
(27th Mar)
Spotted Redshank
Station Pond, Yarmouth
(25th Mar)
Deacons La, Ashey
(19th Mar)
Dartford Warbler
W.High Down, Totland
(19th Mar)
Blackbird (M)
Newtown NR
(18th Mar)
Gore Cliff, Blackgang
(17th Mar)
Blackcap (M)
Ryde, 25th Dec. 2003
Dartford Warbler (M)
Ventnor Do. 22nd Feb
Little Owl
Gore Cliff, 17th March
Pale-phase Buzzard
Atherfield, 27th Feb
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Brading, 27/01/03
Bean Geese, Greylag
Laundry Lane, 27th Jan
Bar-Headed Goose
Laundry Lane, 27th Jan
Grey Wagtail
Brading S.Wks, 25th Jan
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St.Catherines Pt, 19th Feb
Pochard (M)
Canoe Lake, Ryde, (22nd. Feb)
Shanklin Beach,(26th Feb)
Ryde Esplanade,(22nd Jan)
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Birds from 2002

Bem. Ponds 27th Dec
Scaup (M)-30th Dec
Island Harbour,
Mandarin (F) 30th Dec
Carisbrooke Pond,
Golden Plover
Newtown, 18th Sept.
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Bean Goose A
St.HelensBr.27th Dec
Bean Goose B
St.HelensBr.27th Dec
Little Owl
Gore Cliff, 24th Oct
Sanderling & Dunlin
Ryde Esp. 22nd Dec
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